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Welcome to Dracomoore

Draco Moore is an ancient land, rich in a history filled with conflicts, triumphs, and tragedies. It is a diverse realm, containing vast deserts, perilous swamps, dark forests, grassy plains, rolling hills and rugged mountains. These lands are home to a vast array of races and creatures, ranging from humans, dwarves, elves, and gnomes to fearsome dragons, the drow, Minotaurs, and much, much more.
Long ago, Draco Moore was inhabited primarily by the Shihobi and a race of elves called the Pine Elves. These two races lived in relative peace, having only minor skirmishes with a warrior race of women who ruled a land far to the south east called Azonia. Men were slaves, and followed the will of the women. Azonian women were primarily warriors, with only the very select delving into the arts of healing and magic. They follow the adage that might makes right, and clashed with the Shihobi and Pine Elves when their gods demanded war from them. For the most part these wars were short lived, and served more as training exercises for the Azonians, who had no real interest in lands other than their jungle islands.
The Shihobi were a nomadic people who primarily roamed the plains and occasionally deserts of Draco Moore. Their empire was vast, and for hundreds of years they were the rulers over these lands.
The Pine Elves, for the most part, stayed within the Forests of Draco Moore, and traded freely with the Shihobi. They were master craftsmen and artisans. To this day many of their seemingly delicate works of art have survived the ravages of time.
Not much is known of the Dwarven Kingdoms of this time. They inhabited the mountains of Draco Moore, but rarely came down from them. They did exist and in huge numbers, but no written documents have survived from their empire, and so their past is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that they did exist, and existed for far longer than any other race on Draco Moore. What happened to them remains a mystery.
Much further to the South east of Draco Moore is a large continent known now only as the Dead Lands. It is from this land that most of the races that inhabit modern day Draco Moore are believed to have come. It is not known what caused the Great Exodus, but one can surmise that it had something to do with the fact that the Dead Lands are indeed devoid of anything living. To this day the soil is poisoned, the water is foul and polluted, and nothing much grows there aside from some bitter tasting weeds and scrub brush. The land is a vast waste, and few dare venture into it.
Shortly after the Great Exodus occurred, more than a thousand years ago, war came to Draco Moore. The many races of the Dead Lands invaded Draco Moore, and all but stamped out the race of the Pine Elves. The Shihobi were pushed to the southern subcontinent of Draco Moore, which is where they remain today. A new Dwarven Empire was established in the ruins of the ancient one. After a time new borders and empires were established, and the Royal Family came into power.
The Royal Family consisted of the House of Mariak, whom had been minor nobles in the Dead Lands. This family ruled Draco Moore right up into recent history, only losing power with the death or disappearance of the Empress. For the most part their reign was one of fairness and wisdom, and the wars died down for a time. The peace lasted for several hundred years, but began to crumble in more recent times.
The first problems arose some two hundred years ago when several prison colonies in the east rebelled, gaining their independence and lead a general insurrection there. These rebels eventually became known as the Republic of Zhatar. Zhatar’s rebellion was a bloody one, and to this date there is much bitterness between the Zhatarians and the Empire.
Still the royal family maintained its dominance, and peace was restored for a time. Then Darkstorm came, with his horrible army of Walgriegs and dark mages. Darkstorm raised his vast fortress, Darkmount, from an empty plain and invaded the realm. Darkstorm proved to be a very capable leader, but after a long and drawn out war he was eventually put down and his armies defeated. However, Darkstorm had managed to gain a foothold in Draco Moore’s political arena, and so was simply banished rather than executed for his treason. It was the Invader’s War that allowed him to seize the throne of the Empire for himself.
The Invader’s War occurred in recent times. Nyx, most powerful of the ancient red dragons, amassed army of evil dragons who had allied themselves with the drow and a warlord from Zatar. Using the dark magic of the drow, the main cities of the Empire were poisoned, and their people killed, turned into a horrific nightmarish creature which devoured all within its path.
From her Black Citadel Nix brought about the demise of the Royal Family, as well as the destruction of the Empire’s capital city, Lancington. Darkstorm led some of the forces who eventually defeated Nyx and her armies, causing their retreat to Zhatar, where she now rules. The Masters of the High Magic Towers helped to stop the Invaders armies as well, and were essential in turning the tide of battle.
It was rumored that during this time the mythic nation of Azonia experienced a rebellion in which many of the men fought back against their oppressive rulers. Supposedly, they now follow a man named Thargore, who has begun to lead them in freedom.
Today Draco Moore is rebuilding from the Invader’s War. Darkstorm has begun his rule, establishing himself as the new leader of the Empire of Draco Moore. Lancington is but a ghost town and few dare to even venture to the island where it sits. Many towns have sprung up where there were none before, and cities that had little political clout now have found themselves pushed into the forefront of Draco Moore’s political arena. It is certain that the future holds much for Draco Moore, but what that future is remains to be seen.

