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Ready, Set, Go

After a long night of searching for clues and little sleep, the party reconvenes at Lady Torrey’s mansion. There, they are given an incredible breakfast and introduced the mage they had been offered the night before. At 6’6”, 220 pounds and in his dusty travel clothing, Panevik BaJen looks more like a Shihobi warrior than a classic wizard. He quickly explains that while he was originally apprenticed to his tribe’s smith, when he reached the Rites of Manhood, he began to develop mystic abilities and was cast out by his tribe’s shaman. Since then he has traveled from place to place doing odd jobs and trying to hone his talents as best he can.
The rest of the morning was spent running around town trying to find a variety of maps while Sonny acquired supplies for the group. Local woodsmen were able to furnish a rough topography of the region for a few silver. After a little sweet talking Sandra managed to convince Lady Torrey to share a map pointing out the path to Gordan’s Tomb. A map to the cities ancient sewers proved the hardest to come by. Even a trip to Foul Ron bore little fruit, though it was suggested that Kali Anest might have such a map since he is a well known antiquarian with an interest in cartography.