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The City of Bane

The township of Bane was founded by and is currently under the direct control of Counselor Velloran. The city is located five days ride from Lizardman territory, a week from the Minotaurs on the border of Shihobi and three days from the capital of Blue River and only Empire port on the inner sea, Alrook. It was constructed on the ruins of another ancient city that had been abandoned long ago.
While there is no river or lake, Bane survives due to a natural spring which is located in the center of the market square. Velloran engineered a system of underground aqueducts in order that some irrigation may take place near the city.
Originally the city was small, surviving on a small lumber industry and trade, but the city’s population exploded after the Invader’s War. Every Sunday there is a general market which the entire town turns out for. This market has grown with the city, and when the city’s population exploded the market became famous, and many a woodsman or farmer will travel a great distance in order to hock his or her wares at Bane’s market square.
In order to run his city, Velloran created an advisory council to aid him. This council includes the following members:

Kali Anest, representing the Merchant’s Guild, is a thin sour-faced man of fifty. His hair is long gone, and his sense of humor seams to have vanished with it.

Master Jerome, representing the Crafter’s Guild, is the opposite; a gregarious fat man of forty five, with a beard you could loose a badger in.

Lady Torrey, representing the Entertainment Guild, is by far the oldest member of the council at seventty. In her youth, she was known for both her great beauty and intellect, and while the former has faded, the latter has not.

Captain Fuller, representing the City Guard, is thirty eight, with broad shoulders, short black hair and a thick mustache. He would rather be out in the streets than behind a desk and so leads the guard by example.

Goodman Rueff, representing the local farmers and woodsmen, is a man of about forty with light brown hair, a ready smile and mischievous eyes.

The Merchant’s Guild is based out of Alrook, but has representatives from almost every major city across the Empire.
The Entertainment Guild provides services from minstrels to ladies of the night, and rumor has it, is connected to the local thief’s guild.
All in all Bane has proven to be one of the few success stories after the Invasion. It prospers as a city of trade, and has made Velloran a very rich and powerful man.