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Clerical Domains

Granted Powers: Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric effects undead. Rebuke or command air creatures as an evil cleric effects undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to three plus the cleric’s charisma modifier.
Air Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Wind Wall
3 Gaseous Form
4 Air Walk
5 Control Winds
6 Chain Lightning
7 Control Weather
8 Whirlwind
9 Elemental Swarm (Cast as an air spell only)

Granted Powers: Cast Animal Friendship once per day. Knowledge (Nature) is a class skill.
Animal Domain Spells
1 Calm Animals
2 Hold Animal
3 Dominate Animal
4 Repel Vermin
5 Commune with Nature
6 Antilife Shell
7 Animal Shapes
8 Creeping Doom
9 Shapechange

Granted Power: The cleric may cut themselves while casting domain spells, suffering one point of damage per level of the spell. The duration of the spell is then doubled as per the Metamagic Feat, Extend Spell
Blood Domain Spells
1 Deathwatch
2 Delay Poison
3 Gaseous Form (Red tinted)
4 Vampiric Touch
5 Scrying
6 Feeblemind
7 Repulsion
8 Unholy Aura
9 Horrid Wilting

Granted Power: The cleric cast chaos spells at plus one caster level
Chaos Domain Spells
1 Protection From Law
2 Shatter
3 Magic Circle Against Law
4 Chaos Hammer
5 Dispel Law
6 Animate Objects
7 Word of Chaos
8 Cloak of Chaos
9 Summon Monster IX (Cast as a chaos spell only)

Granted Power: Darkvision 60 ft.
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Darkness
3 Deeper Darkness
4 Invisibility
5 Invisibility Sphere
6 Mislead
7 Mass Invisibility
8 Power Word, Blind
9 Gate

Granted Power: The cleric may use a death touch once per day. To use this ability the cleric must succeed at a melee touch attack against an opponent, if successful, roll 1d6 per cleric level, if the result is more than the creatures hit points, it dies. The death touch must be declared before making the attack.
Death Domain Spells
1 Cause Fear
2 Death Knell
3 Animate Dead
4 Death Ward
5 Slay Living
6 Create Undead
7 Destruction
8 Create Greater Undead
9 Wail of the Banshee

Granted Power: Once per day the cleric may cast a domain spell as if it had been memorized with any one of the following Metamagic feats-- Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Quiet Spell, Spell Penetration, or Still Spell. Note that the cleric does not actually have to know the feat in order to use it in this fashion, however this ability does fulfill any prerequisite requirements. Each use of this ability permanently drains one hit point from the cleric.
Desperation Domain Spells
1 Sanctuary
2 Shield Other
3 Helping Hand
4 Freedom of Movement
5 Break Enchantment
6 Word of Recall
7 Refuge
8 Screen
9 Foresight

Granted Power: The cleric may smite, make a single melee attack with a plus four attack bonus and a damage bonus equal to their cleric level (assuming that the strike is successful), once per day. The smite must be declared before making the attack.
Destruction Domain Spells
1 Inflict Light Wounds
2 Shatter
3 Contagion
4 Inflict Critical Wounds
5 Circle of Doom
6 Harm
7 Disintegrate
8 Earthquake
9 Implosion

Granted Power: The cleric gains a plus four divine bonus to all Diplomacy checks.
Diplomacy Domain Spells
1 Command
2 Enthrall
3 Obscure Object
4 Discern Lies
5 Scrying
6 Heal
7 Greater Scrying
8 Greater Planar Ally
9 Miracle

Granted Powers: Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric effects undead. Rebuke or command earth creatures as an evil cleric effects undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to three plus the cleric’s charisma modifier.
Earth Domain Spells
1 Magic Stone
2 Soften Earth and Stone
3 Stone Shape
4 Spike Stones
5 Wall of Stone
6 Stone Skin
7 Earthquake
8 Iron Body
9 Elemental Swarm (Cast as an earth spell only)

Granted Power: The cleric cast evil spells at plus one caster level.
Evil Domain Spells
1 Protection from Good
2 Desecrate
3 Magic Circle Against Good
4 Unholy Blight
5 Dispel Good
6 Create Undead
7 Blasphemy
8 Unholy Aura
9 Summon Monster IX (Cast as an evil spell only)

Granted Powers: The cleric gains the Skill Focus feat in a craft skill of choice. Alchemy is a class skill.
Fabrication Domain Spells
1 Animate Rope
2 Wood Shape
3 Stone Shape
4 Minor Creation
5 Fabricate
6 Major Creation
7 Simulacrum
8 Polymorph Any Object
9 True Resurrection

Granted Powers: Turn or destroy water creatures as a good cleric effects undead. Rebuke or command fire creatures as an evil cleric effects undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to three plus the cleric’s charisma modifier.
Fire Domain Spells
1 Burning Hands
2 Produce flame
3 Resist Elements
4 Wall of Fire
5 Fire Shield
6 Fire Seeds
7 Fire Storm
8 Incendiary Cloud
9 Elemental Swarm (Cast as a fire spell only)

Granted Power: Once per day, the cleric may rage as a barbarian of their cleric class level or they may induce rage in another. To induce rage, the cleric must succeed at a melee touch attack against an opponent, if successful the target rages (Will save DC ten plus cleric level to avoid raging). Rage induction must be declared before making the attack.
Fury Domain Spells
1 Cause Fear
2 Shatter
3 Gust of Wind
4 Emotion
5 Shout
6 Stoneskin
7 Power Word, Stun
8 Power Word, Blind
9 Power Word, Kill

Granted Powers: While specifically on guard duty, the cleric gains a plus one per cleric class level bonus to all Listen and Spot checks. Listen and Spot are class skills.
Guardian Domain Spells
1 Alarm
2 Rearguard
3 Glyph of Warding
4 Summon Sentinel
5 Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
6 Guards and Wards
7 Forbiddance
8 Greater Glyph of Warding
9 Foresight

Granted Power: The cleric cast good spells at plus one caster level.
Good Domain Spells
1 Protection from Evil
2 Aid
3 Magic Circle Against Evil
4 Holy Smite
5 Dispel Evil
6 Blade Barrier
7 Holy Word
8 Holy Aura
9 Summon Monster IX (Cast as a good spell only)

Granted Power: The cleric cast healing spells at plus one caster level.
Healing Domain Spells
1 Cure Light Wounds
2 Cure Moderate Wounds
3 Cure Serious Wounds
4 Cure Critical Wounds
5 Healing Circle
6 Heal
7 Regenerate
8 Mass Heal
9 True Resurrection

Granted Powers: The cleric gains the Track feat. Wilderness Lore is a class skill.
Hunting Domain Spells
1 Invisibility to Animals
2 Animal Trance
3 Snare
4 Scrying
5 Prying Eyes
6 Find the Path
7 Greater Scrying
8 Animal Shapes
9 Foresight

Granted Powers: Three times per day the cleric can perform a sense motive check with a plus fifteen insight bonus. Once per day, the character can rage as a barbarian of equal level to their cleric class, but only if they are aware that the target of the rage has lied to them.
Justice Domain Spells
1 Command
2 Hold Person
3 Searing Light
4 Discern Lies
5 Mark of Justice
6 True Seeing
7 Dictum
8 Sunburst
9 Storm of Vengeance

Granted Powers: The cleric cast divination spells at plus one caster level. All knowledge skills are class skills.
Knowledge Domain Spells
1 Detect Secret Doors
2 Detect Thoughts
3 Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4 Divination
5 True Seeing
6 Find the Path
7 Legend Lore
8 Discern Location
9 Foresight

Granted Powers: The Cleric is a master of navigating through labyrinths and other confusing paths. They are immune to the Maze spell and gain a plus two insight bonus when solving puzzles or mazes. Intuit Direction is a class skill.
Labyrinth Domain Spells
1 Detect Secret Doors
2 Locate Object
3 Stone Shape
4 Divination
5 Prying Eyes
6 Find the Path
7 Maze
8 Discern Location
9 Astral Projection

Granted Power: The cleric cast law spells at plus one caster level.
Law Domain Spells
1 Protection from Chaos
2 Calm Emotions
3 Magic Circle Against Chaos
4 Order’s Wrath
5 Dispel Chaos
6 Hold Monster
7 Dictum
8 Shield of Law
9 Summon Monster IX (Cast as a law spell only)

Granted power: Once per day, the cleric may grant a plus one competence bonus to all attacks, skill checks, and saving throws made by allies. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal the cleric class level and affects all allies within sixty feet.
Leadership Domain Spells
1 Remove Fear
2 Enthrall
3 Suggestion
4 Emotion
5 Dominate Person
6 Mass Suggestion
7 Demand
8 Mass charm
9 Dominate Monster

Granted Power: The cleric gains the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This allows the player to reroll one roll that has just been made. The player must take the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original roll
Luck Domain Spells
1 Entropic Shield
2 Aid
3 Protection from Elements
4 Freedom of Movement
5 Break Enchantment
6 Mislead
7 Spell Turning
8 Holy Aura
9 Miracle

Granted Power: Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half the character’s cleric level (at least first level). If the cleric has actual wizard levels, these effective levels stack with those for the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device.
Magic Domain Spells
1 Nystul’s Undetectable Aura
2 Identify
3 Dispel Magic
4 Imbue with Spell Ability
5 Spell Resistance
6 Antimagic Field
7 Spell Turning
8 Protection from Spells
9 Mordenkainen’s Disjunction

Granted Powers: The cleric gains Nature Sense as the Druid ability of the same name. Knowledge (Nature) and Wilderness lore are class skills.
Nature Domain Spells
1 Pass Without a Trace
2 Speak with Animals
3 Plant Growth
4 Freedom of Movement
5 Commune with Nature
6 Stone Tell
7 Control Weather
8 Command Plants
9 Summon Nature’s Ally IX

Granted Power: The cleric cast Neutrality spells at plus one caster level.
Neutrality Domain Spells
1 Sanctuary
2 Undetectable Alignment
3 Dispel Magic
4 Discern Lies
5 True Seeing
6 Forbiddance
7 Repulsion
8 Symbol
9 Imprisonment

Granted Power: The character may deliver an Excruciating Touch a number of times per day equal to one half of their cleric class level (round up). This supernatural ability functions in all other ways exactly like a Monk’s Stunning Attack.
Pain Domain Spells
1 Inflict Light Wounds
2 Chill Metal
3 Ghoul Touch
4 Vampiric Touch
5 Phantasmal Killer
6 Nightmare
7 Acid Fog
8 Symbol (Pain effect only)
9 Weird

Granted Powers: Rebuke or command plant creatures as an evil cleric effects undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to three plus the cleric’s charisma modifier. Knowledge (Nature) is a class skill.
Plant Domain Spells
1 Entangle
2 Barkskin
3 Plant Growth
4 Control Plants
5 Wall of Thorns
6 Repel Wood
7 Changestaff
8 Command Plants
9 Shambler

Granted Power: The Cleric can generate a protective ward, a spell like ability to grant someone touched by the character a resistance bonus on their next saving throw equal to the character’s cleric level. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is an Abjuration effect with a duration of one hour that is usable once per day.
Protection Domain Spells
1 Sanctuary
2 Shield Other
3 Protection from Elements
4 Spell Immunity
5 Spell Resistance
6 Antimagic Field
7 Repulsion
8 Mind Blank
9 Prismatic Sphere

Granted Power: The cleric may Purify Food and Drink three times per day
Purification Domain Spells
1 Lesser Restoration
2 Remove Blindness/Deafness
3 Remove Disease
4 Restoration
5 Atonement
6 Banishment
7 Greater Restoration
8 Mass Heal
9 Freedom

Granted Power: The cleric’s touch attack spells do not heal properly, without magical aid. Damage from these attacks (whether to hit points or ability scores) heals at a maximum of one point per day, no matter the level of the target creature. These wounds do respond normally to magical healing, but these wounds are healed last.
Rot Domain Spells
1 Inflict Light Wounds
2 Ghoul Touch
3 Contagion
4 Poison
5 Insect Plague
6 Harm
7 Eyebite
8 Creeping Doom
9 Implosion

Granted Power: Once per day the cleric can give a one word command which is obeyed by a single creature of up to the character’s cleric level in hit dice. This is a spell like ability that is in all other aspects identical to the command spell.
Rulership Domain Spells
1 Command
2 Calm Emotions
3 Suggestion
4 Sending
5 Greater Command
6 Geas/ Quest
7 Mass Suggestion
8 Demand
9 Miracle

Granted Powers: Bluff, Decipher Script, and Search are Class skills.
Secrets Domain Spells
1 Comprehend Languages
2 Obscure Object
3 Nondetection
4 Detect Scrying
5 Scrying
6 Mislead
7 Sequester
8 Mind Blank
9 Time Stop

Granted Power: Once per day, the cleric can create enough simple food of choice and water to sustain a number of people equal to their level for one day
Solace Domain Spells
1 Calm Animals
2 Charm Person
3 Create Food and Water
4 Restoration
5 Healing Circle
6 Hero’s Feast
7 Refuge
8 Mass Heal
9 Miracle

Granted Powers: No incorporeal undead will attack the cleric so long as another opponent remains.
Spirit Domain Powers
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Darkness
3 Helping Hand
4 Air Walk
5 Ethereal Jaunt
6 Etherealness
7 Greater Scrying
8 Discern Location
9 Soul Bind

Granted Power: The cleric can perform a feat of strength, which is the supernatural ability to gain an enhancement bonus to strength equal to the character’s cleric class level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round, and is usable once per day.
Strength Domain Spells
1 Endure Elements
2 Bull’s Strength
3 Magic Vestment
4 Spell Immunity
5 Righteous Might
6 Stoneskin
7 Bigby’s Grasping Hand
8 Bigby’s Clenched Fist
9 Bigby’s Crushing Hand

Granted Power: Once per day, the cleric can perform a greater turning against undead in place of a regular turning (or rebuking) attempt. The greater turning is like a normal turning (or rebuking) attempt except that the undead creatures that would be turned (or rebuked or commanded) are destroyed instead.
Sun Domain Spells
1 Endure Elements (cold or fire only)
2 Heat Metal
3 Searing Light
4 Fire Shield
5 Flame Strike
6 Fire Seeds
7 Sunbeam
8 Sunburst
9 Prismatic Sphere

Granted Powers: For a total of 1 round per cleric level per day, the character can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement (similar to the effects of the spell Freedom of Movement). This spell-like ability occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). Wilderness Lore is a class skill.
Travel Domain Spells
1 Expeditious Retreat
2 Locate Object
3 Fly
4 Dimension Door
5 Teleport
6 Find the Path
7 Teleport Without Error
8 Phase Door
9 Astral Projection

Granted Powers: Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills.
Trickery Domain Spells
1 Change Self
2 Invisibility
3 Nondetection
4 Confusion
5 False Vision
6 Mislead
7 Screen
8 Polymorph Any Object
9 Time Stop

Granted Power: The cleric may cast Tyranny domain spells against anything with an Intelligence score, overriding any normal immunities but not magic resistance. This is considered a supernatural ability.
Tyranny Domain Spells
1 Cause Fear
2 Hold Person
3 Bestow Curse
4 Scrying
5 Dominate Person
6 Geas/Quest
7 Power Word, Stun
8 Demand
9 Dominate Monster

Granted Powers: Free Martial Weapon Proficiency (if necessary) and Weapon Focus with the deity’s favored weapon.
War Domain Spells
1 Magic Weapon
2 Spiritual Weapon
3 Magic Vestment
4 Divine Power
5 Flame Strike
6 Blade Barrier
7 Power Word, Stun
8 Power Word, Blind
9 Power Word, Kill

Granted Powers: Turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric effects undead. Rebuke or command water creatures as an evil cleric effects undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to three plus the cleric’s charisma modifier.
Water Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Fog Cloud
3 Water Breathing
4 Control Water
5 Ice Storm
6 Cone of Cold
7 Acid Fog
8 Horrid Wilting
9 Elemental Storm (Cast as a water spell only)