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Character Generation

Applicants should prepare a first level character.
Apprentice-level, multi-class characters are allowed, as per DMG rules. Be sure to include
- Race
- Class
- Ability scores
- Skills
- Feats
- Special abilities (racial or class)
- familiars or animal companions
- spells known or spells in spellbook, school specialization, clerical domains (Special god list available upon request, 'godless' clerics are allowed as well)
- spell list for the first day
- background and psychological profile
- physical description of the character without equipment (hair, eye, skin color, facial traits, distinguishing marks, etc).
- Characters are allowed 240 gp worth of equipment from PHB and/or DMG. All unspent cash will be lost.

Attributes: Point-buy system with 34 points. Figure in racial bonuses after buying the attributes. All abilities start at 8 and the point cost is as follows. 9-14 cost 1 point each. 15-16 cost 2 points each. 17-18 cost 3 points each and 19-20 cost 4 points each. As an example if you spend 10 points you can get a 16 in one stat.

DMG and PHB rules only, please.

Races: The local population of 800 is 90% Human, 5% Halfling, 2% Dwarf and 3% other. That breaks down to 720 Humans, 40 Halflings, 16 Dwarves and 24 other sentients. In principle, only Humans or Halflings are allowed, but if you come up with an interesting reason I might consider other races. I use quick youth and slow maturity for any of the long lived races. ALL CHARACTERS ARE YOUNG (15-20) AND HAVE LIVED IN THE LOCAL VACINITY THEIR ENTIRE LIFE!

All alignments are accepted, BUT, I will not accept disruptive characters or characters that would not be adequate team-workers. If the character is going to be evil, then provide a good reason for him to want to cooperate.

• 1. What is your character’s primary motivation for going to or through Bane?
• 2. Who are his/her friends? Who are his/her enemies? Why? (from your character’s perspective)
• 3. Does s/he already know another character wanting to get into the game? If so, how and why? What is the nature of their relationship?
• 4. What are your character’s long term goals or ambitions? What drives or motivates him/her?
• 5. Why does your character do what s/he does? How did s/he get into his/her profession? How did s/he develop his/her skills?
• 6. What is his/her personality? Would s/he steal? Would s/he lie? Would s/he cheat? Is s/he aggressive, shrewd, subtle, straightforward, honor-bound, etc.
• 7. What are some of your character’s flaws?