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Lizardfolk as PCs

This system represents Lizardfolk as a progressively advanced race, balanced for play from first level. It requires that the character start at a less-than-mature status, and allows it to go through molts to achieve maturity. Each of these stages leading to maturity increase the power of the Lizardfolk tremendously.

Class skills while in the developmental stages are from the following list:
Str: Climb, Jump, Swim.
Dex: Balance
Int: Craft.
Wis: Intuit Direction, Listen, Wilderness Lore.
Cha: Handle Animals, Intimidate.

The PC Lizardfolk must achieve two levels before picking a class. The first is an adolescent form, with the following racial traits

Lizardfolk, level 1
Automatic Languages: Draconic and the language of their neighbors, which could be Aquan, Common, or Yuan-ti
Base Speed: 30’
Cold Torpor: Lizardfolk suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to all dexterity checks, dexterity based skill checks and attack rolls when in cold weather (below 40 degrees F). A successful Fort save reduces the penalty to -2 but must be reattempted hourly. This is in addition to the standard effects of cold weather outlined on page 86 of the DMG
Feats: Lizardfolk receive one free feat (most choose Multiattack as listed in the MM)
Hold Breath: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 1.5 times as long as a human.
Low-light Vision: Lizardfolk can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar poorly illuminated conditions.
Medium Size: No special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Natural Armor: Lizardfolk gain a +2 natural bonus to armor class due to their thick, scaly hide.
Natural Weapons: Lizardfolk have sharp claws and powerful jaws with which to attack their foes. Claws do 1D3+Str bonus damage and their bites do 1D3 damage.
Racial Hit Dice: 1D8
Racial Traits: +1 Con, -2 Int, +1 Str. Lizard folk are strong and durable, but lack some of the refinements of Mammalian brains.
Save Bonuses: +0 Fort, +2 Ref, +0 Will
Skill Bonuses: Thanks to their tails, Lizardfolk receive a +2 racial bonus to Balance, Jump and Swim checks.
Skill Points: (2 + Int bonus) X4 Max ranks are 4 and 2 respectively
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Lizardfolk is automatically proficient with simple weapons and shields.

The second is a nearly mature form, with greater muscle mass, harder scales, and generally more prowess. It has the following additional racial traits.
Lizardfolk level 2
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Hold Breath: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for twice as long as a human.
Natural Armor: Lizardfolk gain an additional +3 natural bonus to armor class due to their thick, scaly hide. (+5 Total)
Natural Weapons: Lizardfolk have sharp claws and powerful jaws with which to attack their foes. Claws do 1D4+Str bonus damage and their bites do 1D4 damage. Racial Hit Dice: an additional 1D8
Racial Traits: an additional +1 Con and +1 Str. (+2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Str Total)
Save Bonuses: +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +0 Will (+0 Fort, +3 Ref, +0 Will Total)
Skill Bonuses: Thanks to their tails, Lizardfolk receive a +2 racial bonus to Balance, Jump and Swim checks. (+4 Total)
Skill Points: 2 + Int bonus. Max ranks are 5 and 2.5 respectively

Upon reaching third level, the character is fully mature, and ready to take on a normal character class.

Favored Class: The class which does not count when determining whether a Lizardfolk suffers an XP penalty for Multiclassing varies by tribe.