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Common Lizardfolk Equipment

Armor: Any armor crafted lizard folk (except for those listed below) has an additional Masterwork cost due to the complexities of their anatomy. Thankfully, they do also gain the standard benefits of Masterwork craftsmanship.

Chahar-Aina: Also called "four mirror" body armor, since it consists of four metal plates strapped around the wearer's body: one on the back, one on the chest, and one on each side under the arms. It can be worn in addition to a shield & one of the following armors (Padded, Leather, Chain Shirt) with all appropriate armor bonuses stacking. Using Chahar-Aina without additional penalty requires Armor Proficiency (Medium)
AC +1
Max Dex Mod –
Armor Check Penalty -1
Arcane Spell Failure 5%
Cost 75 GP
Weight 10 Lbs.

Dastana: Large metal bracers that can be worn in addition to a shield & one of the following armors (Padded, Leather, Chain Shirt) with all appropriate armor bonuses stacking. Using Dastana without additional penalty requires Armor Proficiency (Light).
AC +1
Max Dex Mod –
Armor Check Penalty -1
Arcane Spell Failure 5%
Cost 25 GP
Weight 5 Lbs.

Shields: Any size or style

Tail Blade: This weapon consists of a axe-like blade as well as the sheath and harness necessary to attach it to a creatures tail. To be used most effectively it requires Exotic Weapon Proficenciey, Multi-weapon Fighting and Multi-dexterity.
Size Med.
Dam. 1d8
Critical 19-20 x 2
Type S
Cost 17 gp
Weight 6 lbs
Misc. Attached to a creature’s tail.

Tail Club: This weapon consists of a spiked club as well as the sheath and harness necessary to attach it to a creatures tail. To be used most effectively it requires Exotic Weapon Proficenciey, Multi-weapon Fighting and Multi-dexterity.
Size Med.
Dam. 1d8
Critical 20 x 2
Type B/P
Cost 10 gp
Weight 10 lbs
Misc. Attached to a creature’s tail.