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Common Lizardfolk Feats

Mighty Leaping
You have developed your leg muscles and trained yourself to make mighty leaps.
Prerequisites: Str 21+, Dodge, Mobility, Jump 9 ranks or a racial bonus to jump checks.
Benefits: You gain a +10 competence bonus on jump checks. If you intentionally jump down from a height, a successful Jump check (DC 15) lets you take damage as if you had fallen 20 feet less than you actually did. A creature with this feat is not limited by its height when leaping.
Normal: Without this feat, a successful jump check lets you take damage as if you had fallen 10 feet less than you actually did. Additionally, height normally helps to determine maximum leaping distances.

You are adept at using all your natural weapons at once.
Prerequisite: Access to a form that has three or more natural weapons.
Benefit: Your secondary attacks with natural weapons suffer only a -2 penalty.
Normal: Without this feat, your secondary natural attacks suffer a -5 penalty.

You are skilled at utilizing all your hands in combat.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, three or more appendages capable of wielding weapons.
Benefit: You ignore all penalties for using your off limbs. (A creature has one primary limb, and all the others are off limbs.)
Normal: Without this feat, a creature suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks made with an off limb.
Special: This feat is the same as the Ambidexterity feat for creatures with three or more arms and they may be interchanged.

Multi-weapon Fighting
You are adept at using several weapons at once.
Prerequisites: Three or more appendages capable of wielding weapons.
Benefit: You have the penalties for using multiple weapons reduced by -2 for all attacks.
Special: This feat is the same as the Two-weapon fighting feat for creatures with three or more arms and they may be interchanged.

Prehensile Tail
You can use your tail to manipulate objects.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Str 13+, Tail Attack, Multi-dexterity or Multi-attack.
Benefits: You can use your tail as an extra “hand.” It can grasp melee weapons and use them in combat, although the normal penalties for using an off-hand weapon apply. If you have two hands, your tail counts as a third hand for the purpose of the Multiweapon Fighting feat and all feats that use it as a prerequisite. You can also use your tail as a hand to assist in grappling and climb checks, receiving a +2 competence bonus on all such checks.
Normal: Without this feat the tail just does not have the coordination necessary to be used for fine motor skills.

Tail Attack
You have learned how to use your tail as an offensive weapon in melee combat.
Prerequisites: A 3’+ tail, Str 13+, Multi-dexterity or Multi-attack.
Benefits: When using the full-attack option, you can use your tail to make an extra melee attack at your highest base attack bonus, but this attack and all others made during the round suffer a -2 penalty. Alternately, the character may choose to make a single melee tail attack at the highest base attack. The attack deals 1D4 plus 1 ½ Str bonus damage. A Lizardfolk who fails on a trip attempt made with the tail is not susceptible to the usual retributive trip attempt.
Normal: Without this feat the tail just does not have the coordination necessary to be used for attacking.

Swamp Stalker
You are adapted to a marshy environment.
Prerequisite: Marsh preferred terrain or one year spent living outdoors in a marsh
Benefit: You move easily through the sucking bogs and stagnant water of the swamps. You gain a +2 competence bonus on Intuit Direction (in swamps), Knowledge: Nature (swamp related), Swim, Wilderness Lore (swamp related) and Strength checks to break free of nets, quicksand, webs, Entangle spells and similar hindrances. This feat does not grant a bonus on grapple checks.