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A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.

We are at Bane in the Blue River Kingdom, which is part of the Empire of Draco Moore.

To the West is the Never-ending Sea. It holds the island of kings, the former ruling seat of the empire, but it was lost to demons, devils and undead during the Invaders War.

To the South, are the Shihobi lands. They are skillful horsemen, whose borders are guarded by the Minotaurs of the Crystal Mountains.

To the South-east lays the Sarylis Ocean, the coasts and islands of which have been over run by lizardmen and snake people. They are a nuisance, but hardly worth concerning ourselves with.

Far to the East is the decadent Zatar Republic. They are ruled by the cruel tyrant Nyx, an ancient red dragon. It is well known fact that her favorite dish is Empire babies boiled in mother’s milk.

Between the Empire and Zatar lay the Hump-back Mountains where the gnomes have locked their gates and withdrawn to their labs.

To the North are the frozen wastes, over run by goblinoids and giants.

East of us, but between most of the empire and the inner sea lay the Forge Mountains, populated by our important dwarven trading partners.

Rumored places
In the distant South-east, is the mythic land of Azonia ruled by woman warriors and powerful priestesses.

In the distant East is Thargoria a land of barbarians who have supposedly just won their freedom from their Azonian mistresses.

Between Zatar and Thargoria lay the Sky-touch Mountains, home to Zatar’s Drow and Grey Dwarf allies.


Red Love