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Lady Torrey

Lady Torrey, representing the Entertainment Guild, is by far the oldest member of the council at seventy. In her youth, she was known for both her great beauty and intellect, and while the former has faded, the latter has not.
Her constant attendants/bodyguards are a pair of androgonus courtiers who answer to the names Putzie and Doody, though it it not quite certain which is which. They are always dressed in extreamly fashionable clothing and make-up, more fitting to the high-court than to every day life in Bane. Yet, for all of their ostentatiousnes, they still manage to almost disappear into the shadows when they wish.
Lady Torrey's household is managed by her senchel Sonny. He is an elderly gentleman with a perfectly coifed raven black pompadore. His badge of office is a beautifuly carved rosewood staff surmounted by a stylized gold and ruby sunburst.
Her manor is the heart of her bardic school where Lady Torrey is know to host revelries throughout the night. All events are catered by Lady Buttercup, a halfling chef of great renown. The mansion is rumored to have one of the largest libraries of bardic knowledge in the Blue River Kingdom.