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Party Equipment

Islet’s Laughter: +1 Ringed Falchion of Underwater Action
2D4 +1 Damage
18-20 X2 Critical
Weight: 16 lbs.
Type: Slashing
Size: Large
The blade of Islet’s Laughter shimmers blue-green with magic, and spaced evenly along the back of the blade are a series of nine large rings made of the same shimmering blue-green metal. It has an elaborate, twisted guard that appears to be formed out of seaweed that has been made solid. Its hilt is made of bone, and is covered with scrimshaw depicting creatures of water such as octopi, whales, walrus as well as a carving of a sinister looking reptile and human hybrid of some sort.
A ringed weapon can be used in such a way as to gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed attack roll made when attempting to disarm an opponent, but gives a -2 on the roll to keep from being disarmed in return if the character fails on their attempt
An underwater action weapon functions underwater as well as it does on land, as if its wielder were under the effects of a freedom of movement spell (but only for purposes of attacking with the weapon). The sound of ocean waves gently breaking upon a beach emanates from Islet’s Laughter whenever its hilt is grasped, making move silently checks impossible. It is silenced underwater.

Jagged Coral: +1 Aquatic Spiked Gauntlets.
1D4 +1 Damage
X2 Critical
Weight: 2 lbs.
Type: Piercing
Size: Tiny
These gauntlets are crafted from bright crimson coral which has been mystically strengthened a hundred fold. Jagged Coral are stiff and feel slightly slippery, but when put on they are surprisingly flexible and comfortable. The gauntlets are waterproof, and water never leaks into them, even if the wearer plunges their hands in water past their upper edge.
When worn as a pair, the user can move freely in water without making a Swim check.

Flying Fish: +1 Dagger of Returning
1D4 +1 Damage
19-20 X2 Critical
Range: 10’
Weight: 1 lb.
Type: Piercing
Size: Tiny
Flying Fish is an ornamental throwing dagger with a hilt crafted to resemble some sort of exotic fish with mother of pearl scales and oversized silver fins making up the hand guard.
After being thrown, the weapons fins flare out, flapping like wings which return it to thrower on the next round just in time to be thrown again.

Hoardmaster: +1 Basket-hilt Rapier of Coin Detection
1D6 +1 Damage
18-20 X2 Critical
Weight: 3 lbs.
Type: Piercing
Size: Medium
Hoardmaster is a finely balanced silver rapier with a basket-hilt carved to resemble a dragon’s head. The horns stretching out to form the cross guards and two rubies that take the place of the dragon’s eyes.
A Basket-hilt weapon grants its wielder a +2 circumstance bonus on the opposed attack roll made when defending against a disarm attempt.
Detect Coins, 1/day. The sword will point at the largest collection of coins within 60’, even if there are walls, etc., in the way. The effect lasts for 10 rounds.