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Mobile Suits

Aries: flight capable MS

Cancer: underwater capable MS

Leo: standard ground MS

Pisces: underwater capable MS

Taurus: ground MS superior to leo; prototype for dolls

Virgo: standard MS

Wing Gundam:
Heero Yuy's Gundam, built by Doctor J. Destroyed in the series.

Wing Gundam Zero
The Gundam with the Zero system, which is nearly impossible to control. Every gundam pilot flies it, along with Zechs, but Heero ends up with it and keeps it through the OVA.

Gundam Deathscythe:
GUndam built by Professor G and taken by Duo Maxwell to earth. Destructed midway through the series and rebuilt.

Gundam Deathscythe Hell:
Modification of Deathscythe

Gundam Heavyarms:
Gundam built by Doktor S and taken to earth by Trowa Barton; later upgraded to Heavyarms Custom

Gundam Sandrock:
Gundam built by Instructor H and taken to earth by Quatre Winner; later upgraded to Sandrock Custom

Shenlong Gundam:
Gundam built by Master O and taken to earth by Wufei Chang, called Nataku

Altron Gundam:
modified Shenlong

prototype for the Gundams. Zechs learns of it from Lieutenant Otto, upon which he orders it finished. There are three versions of Tallgeese: I, II, and III. I and III are piloted by Zechs, and II is piloted by Treize.

gundam built by Treize. It has the "epyon system," similar to the Zero system, both of which are difficult to master without going crazy. Heero was the test pilot, but Zechs trades Wing Zero for it and continues to use it throughout the series.

Mercurius and Vayeate:
Gundams built by the five scientists who initiated Operation Meteor under pressure by OZ. Trowa and Heero were the test pilots, and after their escape, the two MS were turned into dolls, with an advanced AI system modeled after Heero and Trowa's data from battle.