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Birthday Cards for your friends and family
Send your birthday buddies a card for thier astrological sign
Seasonal Holidays click to find out what holidays are featured this month
Kind words from the heart and soul.
For your ill friends with internet access :-)
Send a Thank You to someone who thought of you today.
A collection for saying Best Wishes and Congratulations!
Little notes to let your friends and  loved ones know you care
A collection of unique "home-made" crafts

Fun Holidays

Groundhog Day
Mother's Day
Father's Day


Groundhog Day - "Me and my Shadow" This fun holiday has a legend at it's core. When the groundhog emerges from his burrow if he sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. I wonder how he doesn't see his shadow these days with all the cameras flashing at him. I feel for you Phil.
Mother's Day - While this is also a national holiday which was proposed by Ann Jarvis of Philadelphia, I've placed it here because it's fun to honor our dear mommy's on this day. Don't forget to call or send a card, mom misses you and would love to hear from you!!!!!!
Father's Day- It hasn't been around as long as Mother's day only becoming a national holiday in 1966 but no one can argue that letting Dad know he's special isn't just as important. I miss you Daddy!
Halloween- While this holiday has pagan roots it's now mostly a fun holiday for the kids to dress up in costumes and have a little fun. Maybe even hear a ghost story or two. BOO!





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