Freaky Big Brother 3 Fun Links!

This site is a page of links for those of us Big Brother enthusiasts who want a little fun!!! The sites on this page are probably NOT informative or educational. They are just silly hamster fun! ENJOY!!


::shameless self promotion:: Since BB3 has come to an end......I closed out my BB3 Poll and compiled the final results on a if you took the poll, come see what everyone else thought! If you didn't take the poll......come see anyway! It's fun! :)
Shoppie's BB3 Fun Poll-Final Results

This is toooo much fun! Ya gotta try it! It's a mad lib of sorts, where you enter your name/friends names, etc and it creates a hilarious Big Brother story for you! I literally laughed out loud!!
Make Your Own BB

This site is hilarious! South Park style cartoons of the goings on in the BB house! Even the hg's themselves will get a kick out of this site!!! Check it out!!!
GalacticCowgirl-BB3 Ranch

Really fun BB3 site.....tons of stuff on it!! GREAT looking site too!! Tons of little goodies all over the page.
Frozen Feline

A fun opinion site. Rachel's comments are quite funny and also informative of what is going on in the BB3 house!!
Rachel's Big Brother 3 Blog

Just what it sounds like.....a site dedicated to the dislike of americas sweetheart, josh....its funny and also informative.
Banish Josh

This site is a trip! You can submit pics of yourself if you look like a BB HG!!! this site also has info, links, etc!
Big Brother 3 Look Alikes

haha! This site lets you leave messages for the hgs!
Trash The Houseguests

This is too funny! It only takes a second to load and look at........worth a chuckle!!
Hamsters Dance


IMHO, the best all around BB3 site. The best and most up to date live feed updates, great chat board and TONS of screen caps, plus links, etc...
BB3 Updates

Just what it sounds like, a site of Big Brother 3 rants. I made it up, hope you like it, feel free to contribute!
BB3 Rants

Very interesting screen caps site. It actually refreshes every 30 seconds with a live feed shot that is going on in present time....sounds confusing? Well, just go check it out, especially great for those who dont subscribe to the live feeds!!
Screen Caps

Good general BB3 site! Info, forum, links, etc.
Big Brother 247

This is a site with a very nice chat room set up, also has links, message board and important BB3 info. Try it out! It's a fun set up!!
BB3 TV Community

A fun and opinionated site!! Also much info and great links!

Good screen caps site......lots of pics!-recently updated!!
Big Brother-Online

This is my personal fave page just for screen caps.....its organized really well. Nice pics.
Big Brother 3 Screen Caps

Another good BB3 site!!
Big Brother Land

Really nice, big site.....all full of BB3 stuff!!
BB3 Online

Big links site......lots of links!
Reality TV Links

Nice site, lots of stuff!! GREAT links page!
Big B TV

Interesting site.....lots of stuff the others dont have. Chat, links, much other stuff....
Big Brother Chatroom

Categorized links page.
Big Brother 3 Web Directory

Nice site. Lots of info, updated daily. Well organized.
Big Brother Live 3

Very well organized site....lots of info.
Big Brother Link

Really nice site! Kind of different from the others. Fan clubs, trivia and plenty of extras!!
Big Brother 3

Nicely organized site with all the BB3 info you need! Easy to use.
Big Brother 3-a site like no other!

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Want to add a link? Or even better, trade links? Or be a party pooper and remove a link (of your own, of course!)? Or just email me?

BTW, I am of course, in no way affiliated with CBS, Big Brother or anything else like thaaaaat......

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