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The search for a cure

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sleep insomnia program
sonata: consumers
the sleep site


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Do you:-

have difficulty sleeping at night? 

have trouble staying asleep? 

wake up too early in the morning? 

wake up in the morning feeling unrefreshed?


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If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, then you may be suffering from some form of sleeplessness, or insomnia.
Many of us experience, or have experienced difficulties with sleeping at some time of our lives. Some of the more common scenarios which apply to us includes unable to sleep because of I suffered from insomnia during my exams at school and at university. A combination of coffee, anxiety, and stress ensured that I woke up the next morning feeling as bad as the night before. These are situations which a lot of us can relate to. For some, the problem may disappear after a few days (transient insomnia), but for others, this can continue for many weeks, months, and even years (chronic insomnia).

From the following sites below, I have attempted to answer some of the more common questions to the causes of insomnia and also look at some of the ways to cure or prevent it.

London Health
A useful site, featuring a wealth of medical and health advice/information. Some of the categories includes healthy eating, medicines, health information, support groups, featured articles, as well as the option to search the database for clinics, doctors and other medical personnel in your area. The site is professionally done, well structured and easy to navigate via the bullet pointed categories on the left.

The featured article on insomnia is an extract taken from Sleep: The Common Sense Approach by Brenda O'Hanlon, so I can expect her to be more or less an expert on the subject having done a wide range of research for her book. I've learnt that good sleep is not judged by the number of hours, but by "whatever makes you feel good, productive or creative next day." The author talks about the two types of insomnia and also how "Simple changes in daily routine may be surprisingly effective in improving sleep quality." I found the sleep hygiene recommendations she made interesting, as she attempts to prevent insomnia by natural means rather than through drugs and medication.

Mick's Home Page
If you've ever wanted to learn how to talk new age, make Chinese walnuts, and visit the Napa Valley, then this is the place for it. A web page with a very basic design, lacking in colours, style, illustrations, and contents is what we have here. The section on insomnia is easy to locate and contains a simple bulleted list of techniques to follow.

The author has admitted that "I know very little about sleep disorders. I've simply collected some folk remedies and methods" and "I can't answer any questions about sleep disorders, give any advice, or provide any medical, scientific, statistical or anecdotal evidence and studies." He is clearly not an expert on the subject but some of his suggestions match those from professional sources.  This site caught my attention because of the alternative methods. These focus on breathing exercises, relaxing the body and mind, which are very similar to techniques in yoga. Feeling relaxed can help people sleep, so these exercises for relaxation are definitely worth a try.

Sleep Insomnia Program
A huge site dedicated to helping people with sleep problems. First impressions of this site are good as it is a recipient of several awards and is a certified health site. There are many materials relating to insomnia including a sleep program, numerous news articles, causes and cures for insomnia, analysis of dreams, a national hotline, and links to other resources. Navigation is simple via the list of categories on the left.

I found this site interesting because of the different ways information and advice is presented. The author, Sarah Richards, is a counselor/writer for the Sleep Insomnia Program, so can be regarded as a qualified expert on the subject. She tackles the problem of insomnia by helping us learn more about it and provides "basic information to help you find the right kinds of help." She helps us to identify the type of insomnia before suggesting a possible solution. The news articles provide informative reading, and there are links to other sites should you fail to find what you're looking for here.



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Sonata: Consumers
A commercial site with information about the prescription sleep aid, Sonata. There are sections explaining the benefits of sleep, facts about insomnia, as well as advice on getting to sleep. A questionnaire is available for those who want to determine whether they are suitable for the product. Navigation is via the headed categories across the page which in turn will open up links to sub-sections.

The sites I have reviewed so far gave suggestions about preventing insomnia by way of natural and alternative methods. From this site we learn about a prescription sleep aid which helps people to sleep."SONATA® is for people who simply have trouble falling asleep... not for premature awakenings." We can assume that the company who created Sonata to be experts in the field. They'd have run many tests and experiments on their product before marketing it. Those wishing to learn more about the sleep aid can read about it in the section "About SONATA" which also includes FAQs, and a free trial offer.

The Sleep Site
An eye-catching, award winning site covering sleep apnea, snoring, narcolepsy, insomnia and other sleep disorders. Navigation is slightly confusing at first as the navigator menu is located halfway down the main page. The site provides information on sleep disorders, help on selecting a sleep centre, treatments, links, as well as a comprehensive sleep disorders self analysis test. A well illustrated site, packed with information, and has an interesting design.

A big site with lots of useful information for victims of sleep disorders. I found the most useful feature of this site the self analysis test. A list of symptoms are presented and you are asked to select the ones which apply. After selection, a list of possible sleep disorders are given and selecting one of these will give a description, causes, cures, and FAQs about the problem. The author is a qualified medical director for a sleep disorders centre in Columbus so we can expect him to be a specialist on the subject. Another useful feature is the inclusion of a sleep forum where patients can share their experiences with others.

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