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Parrots & Gardens

Welcome to the Rainforest Room!!!

A site dedicated to the abundance of wildlife that exists in our tropical rainforests....

Topics of interest include :

  • Tropical Birds.
  • Tropical Plants.
  • Reptiles.


    (Please click on a link below to view page)




    Flowering Plants.

    Tropical Plants.

    My Gardens.

    Saltwater Fish.

    The rainforest is a wonderful, almost magical, earth biosphere comprising some of the most concentrated and diverse forms of life on earth. While there may be 12 species or so trees per acre in North America, there may be 100's per acre in the brazilian rainforest. People are enchanted by the colors, sounds, and sheer majesty that the impression of the rainforest makes upon one's soul.

    This page was created so I may share with you some of the experiences I have had with some of the rainforest species worked with over the years. All of the creatures that I currently "posses" are used to educate people and hopefully bring a greater understanding of some of the rainforest's wonderful spirits. I hope you enjoy.

    Want to help the environment by donating a small amount of money towards a good cause?

    Join the National Arbor Day Foundation. View their web page by entering the above link.

    Whenever possible, purchase "shade grown" coffee - This coffee doesn't require the clearing of valuable rainforest to produce beans. The bi-monthly publication of the "Arbor Day" (available to members) in reference to the offer of "Rain Forest Rescue Coffee" states:

    "Shade-grown coffee is available to Foundation members as one way to increase the marketing potential for farmers who are willing to resist converting their land to monoculture coffee plantation. Delicious and organically produced coffee is available through the mail or by visiting the Foundation's Web site, Through the Foundation's Rain Forest Rescue coffee sales, farmers receive direct payment - about twice as much as when selling to coyotes - and the opportunity to maintain diverse ecosystems in the buffer zone surrounding El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve."

    Species list of birds to be bred in the near future :

  • Greenwing Macaws
  • Cherry headed conures

    * This page is under "slow" construction, please check in from time to time to view the progress!!

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