SALIOR EARTH (my scout)

Name: Kalika Tenkaichi meaning: the best rosebud on earth Birthday: April 22 -->Earth Day Age: 17 Occupation: a senior in high school, no job as of yet Appearance: 5'7, average build, shoulder-length brown hair, and blue eyes. Personality: When she wants to do something, she'll do it...most of the time. Aurora struggled with being alone. She tends to boss people a bit when she feels threatened. She had no past as far as she could remember. Her greatest weakness is feeling like an outsider and she will feel insecure without a friend around. She's always quiet out in public. She doesn't know her true past of a thousand years ago. She does have dreams of it though, but she wants to find out more than just flash backs. Likes: Aurora loves to sing, write, and draw. Hanging out with friends is a bonus. If a computer is around, she'd be at in a minute and getting on the Internet. Hobby: After turning 13, the orphanage let Aurora join the sport of fencing; she's a natural. Allies: In the past, her best friends were the four generals when they were on the side of good, Prince Endymion, and Princess Haruka. But in the present now, she really doesn't know. Fighting on the Side of Good: During battles, she can fight as fast as the wind. She is stronger than an Inner senshi even though she is an Inner soldier herself. It's because the moon is the earth's satellite and she's the closest soldier to protect it. She also had gone through soldier training during the Silver Millennium with the Prince of Earth. Uniform: bows: dark blue with green tint skirt and collar: shades of red boots: mid calf, dark blue with green tint; very little heel Weapon: She has a sword for a weapon. The sword made of quartz, though very light, is sharp and contains energy to help cut the enemies. She uses this weapon when she can't use an attack because she is too close to the enemy or she is low on energy. Attacks: 1)Tsunami Wave Drown- The blue parts of her uniform glows as she collects water and it becomes a wave that crashes into the enemy. 2)Earthquake Shakedown-Her green tinted uniform glows green. With her hands spread out and pointing to the ground, energy shoots out of her fingers and into the ground. Seconds later, the ground below the enemy collapses and they are thrown into the air by the enemy. 3)Tornado Winds- Wind blows out from behind Sailor Earth and spins around her before it flies at the enemy and tosses them into the air. 4)Volcanic Eruption- Sailor Earth kneels down and touches the ground with one hand. The red parts of her uniform glow and lava shoots up from under the enemy. Earthquake shakedown and volcanic eruption take the most power; if pushed to the limit, Sailor Earth can use each one once. The other two attacks do not take much energy and can be used multiple times (about two each) before Sailor Earth switches to her sword. History: Kalika was born on Earth, living in the castle because her father worked with the king. She was a year younger than Prince Endymion and because they saw each other everyday just about, they became great buds. By the time she was about ten years old, she watched with jealousy as Endymion got to train as a soldier and she was stuck doing choirs. When she asked the master to let her train with them, he let her trial the hardships of training to prove to her that she couldn't be a soldier. But she proved him wrong. She trained with the boys, meaning the prince and the four future generals. One year, when she was fourteen, she went to Uranus to train with the outer senshi there; this was to help her focus her powers. She later became the backup general for the prince if the other generals were gone. When the attack on the moon came, Kalika was already there at the ball, though she was surprised it came from the dark kingdom, not the agents. She ended up getting killed during battle. In the present, she was born to a single mother who died giving birth. Kalika grew up in adoption homes. Transferring to the home in Tokyo, she went to Crossroads High School where some senshi end up going to school. She got into some monster trouble and Tuxedo Kamen saved her. When she shook his hand in thanks, she was transformed into Sailor Earth....