my salior neptune page

Name: Japanese: Kaiou Michiru (Kanji: Sea King) / US: Michelle/ France: Mylene Kaio Symbol: Trident (three-pronged fishing spear) Talisman: Deep Aqua Mirror Birthdate: March 6, 1978/1976 (French). She's 16 in the series Zodiac Sign: Pieces Blood Type: O (type o negative? ;) Height: 5'4" Occupation: student, violinist, one of Usagi's Royal Guards Personality: Although she's respected by many, she's noted to be a loner without Haruka. She's very sophisticated (sometimes seemingly snobby), and warmly affectionate at times, but that is offset by a strange coldness. However, sometimes her icy temperament is confused with her incredible determination. Her personality is often unpredictable, since sometimes it seems that she would do anything for Sailor Moon, but at other times, she seems to hardly tolerate her. Legal Status: Japanese citizen with no criminal record Marital Status: Single (dating Haruka) Location: Tokyo (although travels around the world in the manga for concerts), Triton's Palace School: Mugen Gakuen High School/Juuban High School Hobbies: Painting, Violin, Swimming, Collecting Makeup Favorite Color: Marine Blue Favorite Food: Sashimi (yummy!), Fish Favorite Composer: Fritz Kreisler (this is what I guessed from the frequency of his music in the anime) Favorite Art Subjects: water, bleakness Favorite School Subject: Music Least Favorite School Subject: None Dislikes: Immature People, Sea Cucumbers, Kikurage Mushrooms Aspires to be: A Violinist (although she already appears to be quite an accomplished violinist) Known for: Music, Art, Patience, Intelligence, Sophistication, Beauty Attacks: Deep Submerge, Aqua Mirror Reflector, Submarine Reflection, Neptune Violin Tide (manga evil attack) Transformations: SMS: Sailor Neptune ("Neptune Planet Power Makeup") SMSS: Super Sailor Neptune ("Neptune Crystal Power Makeup") Manga SMSS: Sailor Star Neptune ("Neptune Star Power Makeup") Voice Actor: Katsuki Masato (Japan), Barbara Radecki (US- also the voice of Serena's mom in DiC dub) Beautiful Sailor Neptune is truly my favorite character in "Sailor Moon". Although I find each of the Scouts to be very appealing for their qualities and flaws (many of both they share with me), Sailor Neptune reminds me the most of myself. I think the reason why many of us enjoy "Sailor Moon" so much is because we find that we can directly relate to at least one of the characters. Or maybe because there are cute girls in Japanese school girl fukus who go on completely trippy adventures... We all can relate to that, right? ;) Neptune has quite a duty to perform: to practically let a person die just to retrieve his/her heart crystal (ginzuishou). Killing isn't part of her nature, but she's tough and extremely mature for her age. She's had many accomplishments under her belt even though she's young. At first, she didn't want to be a senshi, but she knew it was her destiny and willingly accepted it with all the pains. She's willing to sacrifice her own life for the good of the universe, and for her true love, Sailor Uranus (allying temporarily with Galaxia, they would to go to hell just to be together...). When Usagi first came across Michiru, she remarked on how beautiful she was, yet how extremely cold her eyes were. Neptune may be caring and patient, especially toward Hotaru and Haruka, yet she has seen many things and her experiences have hardened her to life. Still, they have not shunned her from beauty, as Makoto dreamed to herself how one day she would like to be as beautiful as Michiru. For one whose special weapon is a mirror, she must be gorgeous indeed...