salior saturn page

Name : Birthday : Astrological Sign : Blood Type : Favorite Color : Hobbies : Favorite Food : Least Favorite Food : Favorite Subject : Least Favorite Sublect : Fears : Strong Point : Dream : Tomoe Hotaru January 6 Capricorn AB Purple Reading, Collecting Lamps Soba (Japanese noodles) Milk World History Physical Education Marathons Healing Injuries To be a Nurse Hotaru/Saturn story Sailor Saturn is a sailor who protect Saturn planet, a demolish planet, and who'll bring the vanish and death. Sailor Saturn disguise into Tomoe Hotaru who is a daughter of Prof.Tomoe Shoiji, a bio-engineering specialist. For this suffering girl, some years ago Hotaru had almost died from fire in Prof.Tomoe's laboratory, but she survived astonishly. Actually, because of Prof.Tomoe want to save Hotaru live, Prof.Tomoe gave his soul to Farao90, the alien devil. Then, Hotaru body is a combination of Mistress 9 and Sailor Saturn. Chibi Usa (Sailor Chibi Moon) have meet Hotaru accidently. Because of their pare-well willing, they are so much closed friend. Finally, the soul of Mistress 9 in Hotaru was evicted by Chibi Usa's strong belive and honest heart. Lastest Sailor Saturn soul in Hotaru was awaked too. The last war between Sailor senshi and Farao90 has occured. Both of them have so much attemp to win. Farao90 used Black Lava to absorb life power from humans. Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon have power up themselve to "Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon" to fight with Farao90. Until the end of war, Sailor Moon borrowed a pawer from Holy Cup and therw all of power to Farao90. Sailor uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto gave a power from 3 "Tarisman" but they don't know that when this 3 Holy item meet, it'll release Hotaru from devil soul. When Sailor Saturn awake and appear, all vanishing will happen. Sailor Saturn send a power of mind to Sailor Pluto to open a dimention and time gate. Sailor Saturn rushed to Farao90 and slashed a glaive of silent. Suddenly, a flash is bright and everything is vanish. And then, everything is return to the previous condition. Sailor Saturn are tuned to a baby whom Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto voluntee to look after Hotaru, and train her to be a great and brave sailor in future...