WISEMAN-The Wiseman had the ability to see the future, and was probably the most powerful of the Black Moon Family. For a while he guided Rubeus, but later helped the rest of the Black Moon Family. What he really wanted to do was to open the Black Gate, while Prince Diamond just wanted to live on earth. He considered the Black Moon Family only pawns to him. He was responsible for the deaths of Emerald, Prince Diamond, Sapphire, and was the one who turned Rini evil. Wiseman succeeded in opening the Black Gate, but was destroyed by Rini's and Neo-Queen Serenity's silver crystal. EMERALD-Emerald took over after Rebeus' "departure." She decided the best way to open the Black Gate was to use a crystal figurine. In the past, there were places that had negative energy. The figurine would grow attached to one place and absorb the energy. After several attempts (and failures), she returned to the future on Prince Diamond's command, annoyed to find Diamond obsessed with Sailor Moon, since Emerald was in love with him. She asked Wiseman to predict her future, and the Wiseman told her that she would be Diamond's queen and the master of the Dark Crystal. Wiseman created a tiara that she placed on her head, and the Dark energy transformed her into a dragon. She battled the Sailor Scouts at Neo-Queen Serenity's palace. After Tuxedo Mask scored a direct hit at her tiara, Sailor Moon used her "Moon Scepter Elimination" Attack, and destroyed the dragon. For a second Emerald appeared with the tiara on, but the tiara vanished and she fell into a black void, calling out Diamond's name. PRINCE DIAMOND-Prince Diamond was the ruler of the Black Moon Family. In the future he'd tried to get Neo Queen Serenity to be his queen, but when Serenity refused he attacked the kingdom. He directed all attempts to captured the rabbit (Reeny), wanting to add her to his Black Crystal because of her power. Later on when Sailor Moon arrived in the future, he captured her and dressed her up as Neo Queen Serenity. He tried to get Serena to become his queen, but she refused. Later, he tried to control her with his third eye, but she snapped out of it and made him realize that Wiseman had been manipulating him. Wiseman appeared and released a blast at Sailor Moon, but Dimando jumped in front and took the blast himself. Summoning all his power, he momentarily shattered Wiseman, and then died.