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Title: Bliss
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff.
Pairings: Cordelia/Gunn
Summary: In a happy- (if snarky-) verse, Cordelia and Gunn have a moment of...
Status: Complete.

Title: The Cats
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Script form, previous character deaths
Pairings: Willow/Spike, Faith/Angel, Kendra/Gunn, Dawn/Connor
Summary: This is a weird idea I've had in my head for, like, years. Since fourth season. And now I'm expanding on it.Written in script form as an "Angel" episode after Season 3 (with a few changes). Kind of odd, but aren't you used to that by now?
Status: In progress

Title: Full Circle
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, slight Buffy-bashing
Pairings: Willow-Xander friendship
Summary: After the hair-raising events of Season Six's "Two To Go" and "Grave," Willow and Xander indulge in some friendship.
Status: Complete
Winner of the Summer 2002 Shades of Grey Awards Best Willow/Xander Friendship Fanfic: First Place

Title: The Black Widow
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major AU and necessary OOC. Also, randomness.
Pairings: Willow/Spike, Willow/Angel, Willow/Spike/Angel, Cordelia/Gunn, Faith/Tara friendship
Summary: Willow, Tara, Spike, Angel, Cordy, Gunn and Faith go out for a cool, calm and collected night of live roleplaying, but (as usual) everything goes wonky.
Status: In progress

Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4

Title: No Angel
Rating: R
Warnings: Domestic violence.
Pairings: Willow/OMC, Willow/Faith
Summary: A seemingly safe relationship goes really, really badly, and Willow turns to the most unlikely source of comfort possible.
Status: In progress. Permanently, it seems.

Title: The As-Yet-Untitled Futuristic Fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: ...
Pairings: Willow/Faith, Willow/Spike/Faith
Summary: A weird fic I started in anticipation of it being a sequel to "No Angel" , but since I haven't even finished "No Angel" yet... A very possible Willow/Faith/Spike. Slightly cheesy, but I like it, for some reason. Excuse me because it makes so very little sense.
Status: In progress.

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