Elvis Presley the King of Rock and Roll

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By 1958, Elvis had released more than a dozen consecutive million-selling records and started in several motion pictures. Elvis was making the movie King Creole when he received his "Uncle Sam's famous greetings." Despite the possibility that a stint in the Army could prove deterimental to his career, not to mention that Elvis might find himself in combat, Elvis willingly reported for duty on March 24, 1958. One day later he git his famous GI haircut and on March 29, he arrived at Fort Hood, Texas to begin his basic training.

While Elvis was undergoing basic training in Texas he brought his Mother and Father to live in a house in nearby Killeen. Tragedy struck the Presely family during their stay in Texas. Elvis' Mother came down with hepatitis and was rushed to a Memhis hospital where she later died. She was only 46 years old. Her death devastated Elvis and with a heavy heart that he shipped out to Germany to complete his military duty.

Wow!when Elvis was called up for Army duty, we thought who will be next? So all of us living in Cocoli started thinking more seriously about enlisting in one of the branches of the service... we didn't want to be called up and then not have a choice.

Elvis was officially discharged from the Army on March 5, 1960. Elvis returned to the United States to a multitude of adoring fans. He needn't have worried that his time in the Army would be detrimental to his career. Elvis was as popular as ever and his greatest success was yet to come.

By 1965, Elvis was the highest paid actor in Hollywood. During his film career he made 31 feature films; Jailhouse Rock, GI Blues, Fun in Acapulco and Viva Las Vegas are but a few. In 1969, Colonel Parker arranged for Elvis to headline for a month at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Elvis worked hard to put together a conglomeration of the best musicians, sound technicians and backup singers available, After days of rehersal, the show opened and once again the "King" reighn supreme.

When Elvis died suddenly at his beloved Graceland on August 16, 1977, the entertaainment industry was stunned but his fans were devastated... Elvis had made his last curtain call.

US Army wants you!

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for a while, leave footprints in our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." --- Unknown

Elvis was that type of person and his music lives on...

When you don't know where you are going any road will take you there.

“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree. You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life –
and it all begins with your very own power of choice.”
--------- Jim Rohn, Author and Speaker---

Carpe Diem!

Panama a lost paradise...

It has been a real pleasure sharing little bit about Elvis Presely whose music was widely played on the jukeboxes throughout the old Canal Zone. Although Elvis while in the US Army never served in the Canal Zone, us kids follwed his career closely. When it came time for us to enlist we didn't for we knew that we were following Elvis' lead. Even today I still love his music! Elvis has left the building but his music plays on...Take care and drop by again. Hasta la Vista. See you on the flip side.

Elvis in the Army!

Hola que Pasa?

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Photo Credits: Author, US Army Archives, Elvis Archives, CZ and PCC Archives

Sing and rejoice, tra-la-la, for fortune is smiling upon you!