Fic Recs
I’ve been enjoying Evenstar’s work enormously lately--tender Spuffy fic with intriguing plots and character development. For those who enjoy babyfic, she’s got some gems, particularly The Devil You Know. And naughty-bad-wrong-wonderful Buffy/Spike/William smut. Mmmm, William smut.
Paradise Lost is a fine story of Buffy and Spike running into each other and helping each other heal after “Becoming.” As usual, the Hellmouth interferes with things. I look forward to reading more by this author.
William Summers, Vampire Hunter is an absolutely adorable short story--Buffy and Spike try to deal with their rambunctious five-year-old, who’s pretty much exactly how you’d imagine a child of theirs would be.
Julbie has a lovely touch with S/B fic. I particularly like Recognition, in which Spike helps an amnesiac Buffy regain her memory. Excellent dialogue, very much in character. Written in script format.
Sandra Schimmel
Sandra's writing is so elegant, and she has so many exceptional stories--I particularly love For the Dark, Fated, and For Your Viewing Pleasure. A treasure trove for those who love turned Buffy stories. Yes, I’m sick.
Spike Jones’s Diary, excerpted from notable days in the vampire’s life—like the day he found the Ring of Amarra—-is absolutely hilarious.
Journeys is an angsty, exquisitely written post-“Gift” series that captures Spike beautifully.
Exceedingly hot S/B fic with a sexy, sardonic, vulnerable Spike. Battle Stations and The Yellow Rose of Sunnydale are especially wonderful. VicNoir has stopped writing fanfic, unfortunately—-a huge loss to the fandom.
Little Buffy is a darling story in which Buffy is magically returned to childhood, and the only one she wants to be around is that nice man with the white hair. Charming bond between Spike and the little Buffy; his tenderness with her is quite touching.
Lucky Number Three, set at the end of “Life Serial,” is playful and sexy. A very hard-to-find story.
After Dust is an outstanding season six BtVS/AtS crossover fic: Spike, mourning the end of his relationship with Buffy, drunkenly makes a deal with Wolfram and Hart. That's just never a good idea.
Something Wicked This Way Comes is a sexy, playful post-season five Spuffy series.
Shoshanna's fic leaves readers with a nice feeling about love.
The Chains Series is the essential S/B fic, to my mind--hot and angsty, full of complex, messy emotions. Unfinished and very long. The story has been abandoned, but I can’t recommend it strongly enough—-I don’t think anyone who considers themselves a fan of Spuffy fanfic can afford to miss it.
More Than Strangers is sexy, tender, painful, thrilling—-a beautifully written AU romance. Exceptional.
Exceptional Spuffy smut, with banked emotions. Rabid writes a fine Spike.
The Uninvited Guest is an almost unbearably painful, but wonderfully realized, series about Buffy’s tragic end in Los Angeles after the rest of the Scoobies die battling Evil Willow. Deliberate pacing and excellent character voices.
I found her almost immediately after I began reading fanfic; her funny, sexy Bitch's Brew was the first story I loved.
Crash is a yummy look at what might have happened if Buffy had reacted differently to Spike’s declaration of love in “Crush.”
Lisa Y. Drexel
Lots of wonderful stories, mostly written pre-season four, so Spike's chipless. Lisa's writing has a nice snap.
Exquisite Spuffy stories; unfortunately the author is no longer writing in the fandom. Particulary good are The Crossing, which examines Spike’s thoughts as he walks home after being barred from Buffy’s house in “Crush,” and Don’t Look at Me, a nummy and believable season five PWP.
In Double Spiked, season two Spike travels through time to season six, which leaves Buffy with two luscious Spikes. If you need more reason than that to read it, we're very different people.
AJ Hofacre
Out of My Head, a long, complete Spike/Buffy series that veers off mid-“Out of My Mind,” is a pure guilty pleasure, full of claiming bites and Riley loathing.
Atara Stein
The Art of Courtship is a rough, sexy season five Spike/Buffy story. Keep in mind I do mean rough.
Kimberly Appelcline
The Question Game is a lovely season six fic in which Buffy finds she can stand only Spike’s presence, and plies him with questions he promises to answer honestly.