Settling In




He’s upstairs. The others are all excited, like something big’s about to happen. Well, it isn’t—he’s just a guy. No superpowers, no big mojo, in serious need of a haircut. He isn’t much of a threat to anything, except maybe Angel’s peace of mind. And let’s face it, Angel didn’t have that much of it to lose. The man likes to brood.


And no, I haven’t bothered to tell any of them to relax—it’s a horse/water kind of thing, they have to find out for themselves. They’ll find out their own way.


I never expected to find my way at Wolfram and Hart, that’s for sure. In the beginning it seemed like a sucker deal—how could Wolfram and Hart, which caused half the shit that came down on us every damn day, teach us anything? Some of us sold our souls to help others, while Lilah and the rest of them sold theirs for a corner office.


But Wolfram and Hart didn’t make people evil; I understand that now. Evil people joined it because they wanted its power.


Now the right people are in charge of Wolfram and Hart. I don’t know what the Senior Partners were thinking when they offered it to Angel, but it’s done, a done deal and they can’t have it back. The good guys are in charge for once, and I know they’re doing the right thing—Angel and Wes and all of them are making us proud out there with their … stuff, doing … stuff … hell, I don’t know, I’m up there in the big cat room, what do you expect me to know? I get the visions, I tell them what they should know. I don’t tell them all the stuff I see, because I see a lot of weird shit and they’d get be confused. I know what I’m doing—the others may be fighting evil to help Angel, but I was doing it for years before I met him. They don’t have to worry about me.


And Angel may not the kind of guy to look at it this way, but face it, we won: it’s Miller Time.


Maybe it sounds too good to be true, but I’m in the room up there, and I know exactly what’s happening. I know everything’s good. It may not seem normal for things to go right, but I’d say our luck has changed.


So there’s no reason to be worried: the guy upstairs? No problem. Wolfram and Hart? It’s does whatever we want. And me? Time to go upstairs and get ready to see Gwen; she’s a fun girl to spend time with now that she doesn’t electrocute people. When I mentioned her to Lacey, she said maybe Gwen should join the firm. I think I’ll mention it to her tonight; she’d fit right in. And everybody knows her already, so that’s a good.


There’s nothing like combining business and pleasure, right?


It may not have worked out in the past, but as I said before: our luck has changed.


It’s about time.

On to Chapter Six: Spike
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