In this project I learned how to do animations. I had to start on Blob Sculptor and make a blob/figure. I then saved the figure from Blob Sculptor to POV Ray. On POV Ray I adjusted the size, color, and location of the figure. Which means I changed the location of the figure and then saved it as a pict. I did this a couple times, each time the figure had a different location so it could move from one place to another therefore, making it an animation. I then put all of the picts I saved, on Gift Builder. I changed the loop to forever and changed the default transparenncy to “based on first pixel.” I Then pressed command R, to start the movie. I then saved the movie and opened it on the internet.
I then made a word processing page and saved it. I then saved the page as an HTML and opened it on BBEdit. Ithen went to Gift Builder and went to Edit, copy HTML Image Tag. I then went to BBEdit and pasted the animation on my HTML file.
I then opened the file on BBEdit. I then opened my other html and copied and pasted my word prossecing (html) on the other page. I then made a JPEG to put it on the html I got of the internet. I then erased jollyrog.gif and put my animation (02rm4.gif) in place of the other. I then did the same thing except this time I changed the JPEG. I then made a movie on iMovie. I then exported the movie and saved it. I then put that movie in place of the other movie it already had.