These magestic Evranae is from DragonSpeaker
Name: Elaestira
Gender: Kalt
ID: el02k
Species: Evran
Type: Light
Color: Star Rise
Notes: Feather crest, Dragon wings, Rare dark coloration for a light type
Region: A'larth
Skills: Control of the light element, Flight
Name: Laitsai
Gender: Kalt
ID: ea01k
Species: Evran
Type: Air
Color: Clear Skies
Notes: Aquatic crest, Aquatic tailfin, Very unusual for an aquatic bodyshape to hold air elemental powers
Region: Esinti
Skills: Control of the air element, Strong swimmer
Name: Bornei'al
Gender: Resk
ID: ee02r
Species: Evran
Type: Earth
Color: Draco de Vert
Notes: Dragon wings, Aquatic crest, Spade tail
Region: Oromay
Skills: Flight, control of the earth element, Tail and wings can help aid movement in water or loose soil as well as air
Gender: Kalt
ID: ev044k
Type: Chaos
Color: Thunder Aurora
Notes: Dragon wings, Aquatic crest, Spade tail
Region: Mokumbre
Skills: Control of the chaos and dark elements,
Strong flight ability, Unusual elemental powers
Gender: Resk
ID: ev045r
Type: Air
Color: Falling Feathers
Notes: Long body, Unusual markings
Region: Esinti
Skills: Control of the air element