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Have you ever been out crusin' the back roads of Texas and absolutely needed something to eat? Planning a ride and want to see what's in the local vicinity? Let us help.

This site is designed to be a reference to biker friendly eateries, bistros, roadside cafes' , roadhouses and culinary events across Texas. I'll try to include photographs, location (maps), links, hours and days of operation, menu highlights, and areas of local interest. I will include a monthly featured restaurant or event. You won't find information on chain or franchise restaurants here. You don't have to be a biker or even own a motorcycle to enjoy fine Texas food.

So, whether you're two-wheeling, three-wheeling or four-wheeling, you'll find unusual, good, friendly, reasonably priced places to get good Texas grub.

We might include some good grub stops and culinary events in our neighboring states.


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Hwy. 377, Granbury, Texas

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Order your Cool Bandana here.

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Texas Motorcycle RoadRiders Association


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This web site is created and maintained by Spirit

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Texas Biker Gourmet