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Epic Battles

Throughout the time this group has spent together, they have been involved in some large scaled battles, the links to some of these battles are provided below, for easier reading and because several take place in more then one thread, the battles are divided into sections highlighting the main points, also for your convinience the first post showing the begining of the action is provided so that everyone knows when to start reading,the battles are highly active and entertaining to read, enjoy . . .

The First Recon

Jaks Skip Lands in the Water and Sumerges He makes his way to shore
*enters the atmosphere of Bimmisaari. strokes the villip and sends a message that he is on a training run and for the glory of the gods he should not be bothered. cuts low heading to the ground then levels off sharply above the trees. skims them taking a wide path around any known vong settlements. touches down softly at the LZ 4 miles from the intrusion site*

Battle One

Morgaine's Capture
(Peace Brigade)
*Moving silently in pairs using hand signals to coordinate the soldiers creep along the trail they know Morgaine uses the most. each pair has one man carrying a ysalamiri to hide their presence from her. As Morgaine approaches the area the soldiers have set up as the ambush point they sit tense and ready to spring. They all strike at once as she enters the strike zone. 6 men all fire tranq darts at once while 3 pairs of men rush the horse with stun guns out hoping to get the ysalamiri close enough to her to cripple her force powers leaving another 3 pairs as backup*

Morgaine's Rescue
(Peace Brigade)
*The transport lands and the troopers carry Morgaine's unconcious body out of the hold and into a cell. They search her for all hidden weapons then carry her blasters and saber into a weapons storage. Two ysalamiri are placed around her in cages where she can not reach them. The commander stands at the cell door shaking his head saddly thinking the poor young girl will probably dead within a day or two after Elsolar has the Storm boy*

Battle 2

Dylans Recon & Capture
*exits hyperspace and throws the fighter into snapturn then kicks the rudders to sideslip down into the atmosphere. drops the nose sharply and dives toward the planet at dangerous speeds. pulls back just before hitting the ground and skims the planet surface. locates the Peace Brigade base and heads toward letting his speed bleed off enough for the sensors sweep to be effective. activates the counter measures in case they have any anti air defenses*

Steps Capture
( Peace Brigade)
*exits hyperspace and enters the atmosphere flying to high to be seen or heard from the ground. the pilot flies to his assigned coordinates and gives the green light. the cargo doors open. all the soldiers do a check buddy check then run out the doors diving into the air and freefalling the many miles through the air waiting untill the last possible seconds to open their chutes. the men all silently land on the ground and hide their chutes in the woods before taking off over land towards the target area.*

Dylans Escape & Rescue
(Peace Brigade)
*the Commander walks in and surveys the guards as they do a check of the prisoner. Frowns in displeasure at what he sees.*
Guardsman front and center now.
*The guard stands at attention in front of the commander and looks on in shock as his blaster is taken from his holster*.
I want all your weapons locked up now. You men don?t seem to take this man seriously enough. In the five minutes I've been in this room I?ve seen you get close enough for him to take your weapon three times.
*The guard stammers in protest*
But sir he's chained up, we can handle one man in chains- Gurardsman
I?ll be sure to put that on your tombstone. Listen to me carefully if Dylan Storm gets his hands on one blaster you are ALL dead men!
*Watches at the weapons are locked away then turns leaving the cell and failing ot notice as the head of the guards removes a spare blaster from his pack and reholsters it. The guard urges the remaining men to do the same.*

Steps Escape & Rescue
*opens her eyes groggily and wonder where she is and loooks around, taking in her surroundings and notices the yslamiri and the chains and her weapons. she groans as she tries to move, her whole body seems to be one bug pain*

Battle 3

Attempted Rescue of Jac,capture,torture of 4 DJO
*lands his fighter in the forest. hops out and commands Vape to take the ship home. figures he's either coming out with a vong ship and Jak or not coming at all. shoulders his nightstinger II and makes his way to the coordinates he gave Jet to meet him*

Dylan & Morgaine's escape/rescue
(Peace Brigade)
*The Command Center is suddenly flooded with activity as word spreads that an enemy fleet is inbound towards the system. Orders are issued and the Guards are doubled outside Dylan and Morgaine's cell.*

Jets Escape/Rescue
*Exits hyperspace and heads towards the base as quickly as the fighet can.*
*Approaches it at full velocity straffing the guard towers and firing a torp at some parked fighters.*

Winders Escape/Rescue
(Peace Brigade)
The leader of the squad asssigned to Winder's cell walks up to those on guard.
I just got a comm from Elsolar. He said to move him to a more secure location, it seems they are having trouble with the other captives.
Those on guard nod and grab their yslamiri and their blasters as they move into the cell. Two of them make their way over to Winder and unchain him, throwing him gruffly over their shoulders. The other guards immediately surround him, and they pick up another squad to watch as they move him. They make their way to the new cell.

Undercover Mission 1

Dylans Mission to get Karush
*after making sure his disguise is correct Dylan enters the commanders office keeping his force presence masked*
Sir Sgt William Blake reporting as ordered. I have completed the mission as per your request.
*removes a datacard from his pocket and place it on the desk*
I have all the information on the DJO you asked for as well some extras. equiptment lists, floor plans, and a current update on the locations of all the members.

Ewok Battle 1

Ewok Attack on Peace Brigade base
(Plant'iou The Ewok)
*Scurries through the high grass and perches over a small hill overlooking the base. Turns and lets out a birds chirp.*

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