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Dreven Strobe
DJO Acolyte

Dreven Strobe was born into a life of wealth and power. His family lived on the island of Alista, the center of industry for Trozen. His father was a powerful Force user, and sat on the Trozen High Council. His mother was also very strong in the Force. At an early age, Dreven developed strengths in telekinesis and mind control. In school, he excelled above all of his peers, both in brains and ability. When he was 10, the huge civil war, which would eventually destroy his home, began

He graduated from the Trozen military academy at the age of 16 as an expert pilot, and was also skilled in a variety of martial arts. As a Lieutenant in Trozen Air Defense, he was placed in command of Shrake Squadron (a shrake is a winged predator that was known for carrying children, and an occasional adult, away from villages on Trozen). While with Shrake Squadron, he was involved in numerous engagements against the armies led by the king’s cousin. At the age of 18 he was promoted to the rank of Commander and given command of an entire wing of starfighters. At age 24 he had achieved the rank of General, the youngest person to do so, and placed in charge of the TAD.

As he had advanced quickly through the ranks, his deeds had come to the attention of some very powerful officials, who had the king’s ear. One day, Dreven received word that the King needed to see him. On arrival at the palace, he was escorted to the king’s personal chambers for a private audience. It was in this meeting that Dreven was introduced Dremoch DeLeoric, the King’s councilor and head of the Royal Guard. After this meeting, Dreven resigned his commission and gave up his post as CINCTAD to join the Royal Guard.

Shortly after joining the RG, the King was assassinated, and young Keigen Blade ascended to the throne. It was Dreven who first discovered the plot to kill the new King. He captured the would-be assassin and brought her before the King. Once in custody, she was found to be the Blade’s own long, lost sister. Events degraded quickly after that, and the choice was made to leave Trozen.

Since leaving Trozen, Dreven has become more introspective and less ambitious than he once was. He is still an expert pilot and martial artist. His fighter is an F-wing, christened the Strobe Light. He arms himself with two lightsabers: one with an amethyst crystal, the other with an amber crystal. When in combat the two can be joined at the hilt to create a dual-bladed saber. He has also been known to carry a blaster or pulse rifle on occasion. His usual wardrobe consists of his Royal Guard ceremonial robes warn over a black flight suit.

Dreven married Jaana Antares, the couple recently had thier first child a girl named Iella, unfortunately the pair broke up, both going thier seperate ways, shortly after Trevan Zorn, Drevens son from a long ago love showed up and is now getting to know the group

Dreven Recently married Nora Storm

Drevens Lightsabers

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