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DJO Weapons,Equipment,Droids & Ships

Here can be found details on the various equipment owned and used by the DJO. Information on Ships, Droids, Weapons and various other equipment will be provided both for our own personal referance and for that of others, however many of the weapons listed on this page were commissioned from a source not to be disclosed and are not avalible on the market


Hunter TX7 Lightsaber - Has a 7' blade and Modulating Power source for Cutting through Vong Armor and Most Rare metals it can be turned into a 12' whip. Currently only one of these spechilized lightsabers is in the possesion of the DJO, given to and carried by Jet

Hunter Brahma A2b Auto Blaster - Has 4 firing modes for Covert or Military Usage , 100 round clip with Semi and Fully Automatic firing Capabilities, It Can be set to fire Dark matter which Kills the Clips Faster but Destroys all Organic matter it Hits It also Holds and Fires 6 mini T.Ds
Mode #1= Semi Auto Fire
Mode #2= Fully Automatic Fire
Mode #3= Dark Matter Energy (F/A)
Mode #4= Grenade Launcher (6 grenades)
DJO Currently owns 50 of these Blasters and they are generally carried by all members

Kodica Nightstinger - Improved Imperial model turning one man into a Squad.From 3 miles away it will deliver pin point accuracy with energy or Slug projectiles It is Large and Bulky at 6' in length, it is a Weapon of mass destruction, or First Strike. This Version has a Mini Transporter for Special occasions as well as Mag lev technology Aim at a wall at your Target and No walls or Structures will interfere with Ultra Sonic Assisted Scope and Transporter. It Has a 100 round Energy Clip and 25 round Tribirum Shells.Using the Transporter uses half the Energy In the Clip.
Mode #1= High energy Impact Shots
Mode #2= Shoots Faster Making Shots appear to Cloak
Mode #3= Transporter Active for Round type
Mode #4= Rail Gun (Every shot is Followed By a ..Sonic Boom)
Currently the DJO is in possesion of only 4 of these spechilized and rare weapons

Sith Blas Pac, Energy Weapons Systems - Designed to Kill Skips It is a Rotary Barrel that fires 1 thousand Shots per minute Each Shot can be Set at Different Charges For Varying Degrees of Impact Damage there are Several Variants used in the Sith Star Fleet Twin Barreled and Quad Barreled Anti Starfighter Batteries Can be Fitted to most Ships,DJO currently posses enough of these to sufficiently outfit both thier fighters and Freightors with extra to spare for newly aquired ships

Devils Horn Hyperspace, Missile System - 6' in length this Missile has a hyperdrive and Cloaking System.It has a Bith A.I Controlling Guidance and Tactical analysis they can be fired from systems away and and Forgotten. Each missile has 5 war heads but Some can be converted for more, DJO is in possesion of a few hundred of these,some of which have been converted to carry up to 10 warheads rather then the original 5

Sith Cloak - New and Improved..No longer is one blind when Hiding form your opponent. Draws a lot of power. Special Power systems have been made for Usage in Starfighters, DJO owns enough of these to cloak all thier fighters and freightors with sufficent amounts left over to upgrade newly accuired ships as well

Centax Compound 13 - High Explosives...One 2ounce Charge will blow up a Starfighter with ease, DJO owns more then enough of this compund to supply various missions for a long time

Sith Kodica B-12e Assault Blaster rifle - Fully Automatic 1000 rnd Magazine and is adapted to Fit Multiple Magazine Types .It has a 3' Energy Bayonet It Is Versatile in any environment and with a Scope a Deadly weapon on the Front lines It can also Be directly Feed into an Independent Power Source

Hunter Kodica B-12g Assault Blaster Rifle - Like its Predecessor it is a Monster but half the Size and a 50 rnd grenade launcher as well Covert operations Rifles have Satellite assisted Ultra Sound Scopes

"The Barn" Self containment Command Center -used for recon and intelligence gathering missions ,Inside it has Seats for 6...a Command and piloting controls as well as a Fully armed weapons locker (6 Kodica Mark II assault blaster rifles..Ammo...500 grenades...200lbs of Centax 14...Vibro knives..Survalence gear..and one Nightstinger mark II) a Bacta tank is Hung on the wall for room and there is 6 weeks of rations and water for 6,Its got a cloak and E.M.C..and E.M.C.C.Ms... making them nearly imposible to find , DJO is in possesion of 6 of these . thier locations however are known only to our source and our members

Surveillance Equipment

Bio organic Robotics - Small Black Bugs, these were developed after meeting the vong by our supplier, a sentiant being these bugs send in reports as thier memories fill up, after sending, the bug disintigrates, breeding after activation a swarm will keep intel up and running in a specific area with huge payoffs


All DJO are outfitted with X-Wing starfighters and Astromech droids to go with them when joining, the x-wings have been modified and upgraded to the highest leval of technology avalible, which includes cloaking devices and updated weapon systems

The Violent Streak
Owned by : Morgaine Parcon
Class: Modified SoroSuub Preybird-class Starfighter
Size: 20 meters long
Crew: 2
Cargo Capacity: 15 kilograms
Consumables: 4 days
Hyperdrive: X3
Maximum Speed: Attack
Weapons: 2 Heavy laser cannons, 2 concussion missles
Defenses: Cloak device

The Lady's Grace
Owned by - Temba Parcon
Class: Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 Transport
Size: 27.6 meters long
Capacity: 2 Crew, 2 Navigators, 2 Gunners, and 6 passengers, as well as 100 metric tons of cargo
Speed: 80 MGLT and Class 0.5 Corellian Engineering Corporation subspace-hyperdrive, or, 1,050 kilometers per hour in atmosphere
Weapons: 2 ST2 concussion missle launchers (racks of 4), 1 rotating Taim and Bak auto blaster cannon, and 2 Corellian Engineering Corporation AG-2G quad laser cannons
Defenses: Titanium reinforced hull, Kuat Drive Yards aft deflector sheild generator, Torplex fore deflector shield generator, Novaldex stasis-type sheild generator, Nordoxico anti-concussion shield generator, and Carbanti 29L electromagnetic countermeasures package, Cloak device

The ShadowChaser
Owned by - Jet Al'Meara
Stats forthcoming


Custom-made Bomb Disposal Droid
Made using the parts of several different types of droids including, R2 units, protocal droids, MSE-6's, Probe droids, etc. He has the body of an R2 unit with the arms on a protocal droid and Probe droid, he can either roll across the floor on his wheels or walk on his legs from a Gonk droid, he has several optical receptors that that surround his whole body so he can see in all directions at once. His core processor has been programmed to sense and detect any and all types of explosives that enter the CCC and to immediatly disarm them if them become armed, he then places the disarmed bombs in a sealed compartment inside his body, if the bomb should happen to be reactivated and goes off inside him, it will not destroy him or any of his components no matter how big of blast it is.

Owned by : Sal'Morin
One a Small Droid made by Kindorgian Bio-workers. Sadly they aren't the best at Droids. Even though this Droid has superior capabilities, he is slightly, off. ONE has a small replicator built inside of him making it so he can produce anything from weapons the food to clothes. ONE was bought by Sal'morin 2 years after he joined the DJO, but he left it at his home on Kindorgia. Later he returned and had the droid brought back to the CCC. ONE works faithfully for them, though Like said. He's a bit.... off.

Astromechs & thier Owners

Warrior - Temba
Vape - Dylan ( Formally owned by Grifter )
Ice - Jet
Chip - Dreven
HeyYou - Morgaine
Grover - Griffen
Squack - Winder
Bam Bam - Footsteps
Lunatic - Karisma
Spector - Dremoch

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