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Grifter Storm
DJO Mavin

The Grifters past is shrouded in mystery. His history is not not even completely know by his fellow DJO member. It is believed that the Grifter was raised in the jungle providences where people followed the traditions of the american southerners that colonized his section of the world thousounds of years before. Grifter has said in the past that his people died in a battle when he was very young. He has never said who trained him in the ways of the force. His fighting skills clearly show that he has more training than just the force. It has been rumored that he is one of the few humans on his planet that have trained by the Dejeduate Kabal, a mystical race of humanoids in the highlands of the northern regions that have a very unique and deadly martial arts techniques.

Grifter came into the employment of the Royal family during the Kayteral Campaigns. He was serving in the Trozden Marines as a recon scout. Upon returning from a recon Grifter ran across a group of men being attack by the Kaytermans. Without thinking he ran in from behind and quickly descimmated the rear forces of the enemies. After the battle was over 15 of the 25 Kaytermans lay dead at the hands of the Grifter. As fate would have it Grifter had intervened on behalf of the the Kings son Keijan Blade and 3 of his bodyguards, Slayer Storm, Dremoch Deleorick, and Dreven Strobe. It was decided then and there that Grifter Storm would be transfered to the Royal Bodyguards. His service with in Bodyguards has been explemplary.

Grifter Storm speaks with what he calls a slow southern drawl. He has been known to drop in times of negotations. His speaking skills have helps the DJO on more than one occasion. Grifter carries 2 plasma pistols in shoulder harnesses as well as 2 lightsabers on his hips. Grifter has a merriad of lightsabers tha he has collected and he frequently carries different blades although he is partial to his reddish gold blades. Grifters force skills are thought to be TK and speed related. He has to know ones knowledge ever used wheather control or force lightening. Nor has he ever had a vision. The one skill that astounds people, although he rarely uses this power, is his ability to stand in a shadow and meld with it. He has used this ability to teleport himself short distances and materalize out of another shadow. He is also a qualified sniper with a pulse rifle. Grifter has no known living family besides his brother Slayer and will not speak of past loves. In his words DJO and killing are all he cares about.

Recently, Grifter married fellow DJO member Phoenix Windchaser. They had their honeymoon on the ice planet Hoth. They also have twin boys, Dylan and Griffen. and a daughter, Karisma

Grifter Storm was recently killed while protecting his children from the Yuuzhan Vong.Unexpectedly Grifters uncle. . Freedon Nadd saw it fit to revive the mavin, through unknown circumstance Grifter whose memories were somewhat displaced found and contacted Jet whom he remembered while on the farm, swearing her to secrecy about his return he left to deal with a few matters, it was not until learing later of the return of Phoenix Storm that he permanately returned to the group and took Jet again as a student to continue her training towards mavin Status, soon after his return his forth child Cordelia Wilde Storm was born

It was shortly after this that more of Grifters past was revealed, the return of Damon Blade a former renegade student of Grifters marked the begining of a bleak period in the history of the DJO, with the loss and injury of many of those he holds dear Grifter and Damon both respectively hunt each other .. employing thier own meathods where both are the hunters .. and the hunted Grifter was killed dureing the tail end of a vong invasion on Corellia.

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