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Memorable Quotes 3

Here can be found quotes and movie clips compiled by various members, explainations may be given in some cases for further understanding, in other cases it will be self-explainitory

Why One Should Leave when Grif wants to Talk - Article donated by : Drev ( who left quick )

(Drev)*rises up out of a puddle of water directly behind Jet's chair*
*grabs her around the neck and kicks the chair legs forward, while pulling her head back*
Hiya Jet...wanna play?
(Jet)* is jolted out of her thoughts be the presense behind her, looks up at Drev for a brief second and then before er chair completely falls awaythows her weight backwards into him, uses one foot to hook the chair legs and kicks it into the air, grabbing it with TK and sendin it crashing towards his head *
sure Drev. . why not
(Drev)*still holding onto her, falls to his back as she throws all her weight backwards, pulling her down on top of him* *quickly pushes her off to the left, and rolls to the right as the chair crashes down to the floor between them*
*rolls into a crouch and unclips his saber from his belt*
(Jet)* rolls and swiftly regain's her feet, igniteing her saber as she does so, launching herself foreward towards him with a downwards diagonal slash towards him from above before before spinning to the right and flicking a wrost bringing the hilt of a hidden saber to hand and striking towards the back of his skull with it only seconds after her initial strike *
(Drev)*brings his saber up and blocks the downward attack, then immediatly senses the second threat and drops the blade down and back while keeping the his hands above his head to block the attack at the back of his head* *uses a Force assisted leap to flip over her and brings his saber in toward her right leg*
(Jet)* tracks his movements via the force and twists her saber down and around to block the strike before spinning sending a TK towards his side, before continueing her spin to come behind him and dropping whirling her legs around to attempt to take his feet out from under him in the opposite side og the TK *
(Drev)*senses the TK wave coming at him and jumps just as it arrives, throwing his weight to the left and cartwheeling above Jet's leg sweep* *lands and spins into a roundhouse kick timed to take Jet in the head just as she comes up from her leg sweep maneuver*
(Jet) * senses Drevs intentions and makes a swift desicion disgards coming up from her leg sweep and flattens herself to the ground, rolling away and regaining her feet, tapping into her cryokinetic powers creating a sheet of ice beneath him before toppleing a chair and launching it spinning wildly on its side at his stationary leg before he can completely come out of his intended roundhouse*
(Drev) *the chair hits him in the shin just as he spins and is facing in Jet's direction, knocking his planted foot backward and tumbling him forward* *disengages his saber and tucks forward into a roll that brings him up right in front of Jet as he reignites his saber and brings it in toward her side underneath her guard*
(Jet) * see's the flash of his saber as its ignited and swung towards her, brings her own saber down to block the attack, the two sabers sending sparks scattering through the area at the contact, pressing outwards with her blade steadily increasing the pressure as she does so, she then quickly disengages the saber, dropping all the pressure on the blades in an effort to have him loose his balance, uses the saber hilt to then snap upwards towards his lower jaw, while attempting to hook his legs with one of her own in an attempt to drop him to the floor, guarding herself from his still ignited saber by igniting her s blade again and holding it ready for any saber attacks by him *
(Drev) *disengages his saber at the exact same moment as Jet, having had the same idea* *uses the overbalance that's created to drop and roll underneath her second saber, coming up on her right side and reigniting his saber and sending a quick jab at her back*
(Jet) * dodges the jab with a swift sidestep sideways, allowing his blade to slide by her side,, takes her own saber hilt and slams it down at his wrist as it does so,before spinning in towards him snapping her blade around in a quick strike towards his chest before masking her orce pressence and useing his own shadow to dissapear, only to reappear, pressence still masked from a shadow on his left, unleashing a swift TK, while hurling a table at him from behind *
(Drev) *takes the hit in his wrist and hears a bone snap as he drops his saber* *leans back and avoids the strike to his chest as he loses track of Jet in the Force and she disappears* *suddenly senses the TK coming from his left and launches himself into a Force assisted jump and somersaults forward, allowing the TK to hit the table that was coming at his back and pushing it into a wall* *calls his saber to his left hand and stalks Jet slowly, grabbing a table from her right and hurling it at her*
(Jet) * watches Drev and senses the table coming towards her, flips backwards out of its path, wits until it crosses in from of her andthen launches her own TK at it, redirecting it towards Drev *
(Drev) *pulls another table from the left to intercept the incoming table, masks his presence in the Force and leaps over the ensueing collision of the tables* *lands just to the right of Jet with his presense still masked and drops to the floor sweeping his leg toward her knees*
(Griffen) *Walks in noticing Jet and Dreven fighting.*
Hmm Mr. Dreven must of forgotten to take his medicine, no one in their right mind fights Jet on their own accord.
(Jet) * feels his leg make contact with the back of her knee and turns the momentum of what would have been a uncontrolled backwards fall into a backwards flip instead, landing and whilring she sends one of her sabers spinning at him in a whirling purple arc from behind *
(Dylan) *Walks in noticing Drev and Jet fighting. Shrugs then sees his brother. Heads straight to him calling a bottle of whiskey to him on the way. Gets to Griffen opening the bottle and taking a long hard pull from it before speaking*
Hey Griffen.. got a minute big brother?
(Griffen) *Nods to Carle then turns his attention to his brother.*
Sure man, what's up?
*Heads to a table away from everyone especially Jet's and Dreven's fighting.*
(Drev) *completes his leg sweep and comes up, only to throw himself into a Force assisted leap over Jet's head and landing on her left, then swings his unignited saber hilt at the base of her skull*
(Dylan) *Follow Griffen drinking heavily as he walks. Sits down at the table and takes another drink then looks at his brother*
ok... Not sure if you know this or not but Morgaine and I got married.... and she just told me she's pregnant....
*Downs another swallow of the whiskey*
So... ah... I'm at a loss here... I'm excited and happy but I think I'm gonna suck at being a dad... Hell we didnt have a dad for me to learn what you're supposed to do untill recently. I think you should shoot me... Yeah... just shoot me.
(Jet) * senses the approachof the saber hilt towards the base of her skull and ducks the hilt sweeping over the top of her skull, spinning she ignites her second blade and sends it in a quick jab towards his back before flipping away and sending a TK towards him as well , grabs the table closest by, which happens to be Carle's table and hurls it towards drev from the front at the same time *
(Griffen) *Stares open mouthed at his brother, shakes his head and starts pulling his blaster out mindlessly.*
(Dylan) *Sighs then takes another drink of his whiskey. looks at the blaster and shrugs*
(Drev) *spins away from the jab to is back*
*lets the TK wave push him toward the wall and out of the way of the table coming at him*
*plants his feet against the wall and pushes off with the Force, launching himself at Jet, bringing his saber around in his left hand toward her legs*
(Griffen) *Stops himself, then looks back at his brother.*
So let me get this straight, your married, your going to be a father, and the best thing you can think of doing is drinking yourself to stupidity?
If you keep this up then yeah, you WILL be a horrible father.
*Shoots the bottle.*
So quit it... and congratulations bro.
(Jet) * rushes foreward to meet his own rush, takes her saber and uses it in an underhand swing to push his saber strike up and away, ducks under the saber and then spins to send a dagger flying towards his left shoulder onlt seconds later, notices Griffen and Dylan *
No shooting ! .. I mean it ..
never mind, you can shoot the bottle , just not him
(Dylan) You do have a point... but damn I just dont know what to think about all this... and drinking if recall is my default mood for dealing with things that stress me out.... well that and killing people...
*stands quickly igniting his saber then spinning around sending the blade arcing through air. with a flourish Dylan shuts down the saber and clips it back to his belt. sits back down as two people at the table next to him fall to pieces*
There... now I feel better.
(Griffen) *Watches the two people fall to the ground and shrugs thinking it was stupid of them not to have left as soon as they saw the Storm twins sitting there.*
Well have you thought of doing something else to help with the stress? Like oh, knitting?
(Dylan) *gives Griffen a slightly confused look then points at the dead bodies*
Knitting? What? You mean like putting them back together? I dont think it'll work....
(Drev) *senses the dagger coming at his shoulder and spins, grabbing it by the blade out of the air and, completeing his spin, sends it back to her adding speed to it with the Force and aimed at her right shoulder*
*grabs tables from both sides of her and the back and brings them all at high speed to meet at the same time that the dagger arrives*
(Jet) why do I even bother throwing things at people anymore ? I throw them for a reason, not to get them back
* crouches and leaps straight up as the tables collide, flips and lands slightly away from the rubble, grabs it with TK and hurls it back towards Drev in a flurrly of debris *
(Griffen) *Looks at the bodies then back at his brother.*
Well no not like that, well you know what I mean.
Something productive, something that won't get you in the type of mood where no one wants to be around you.
(Dylan) *grins*
big brother if you need to fix your xwing just ask... you dont have to beat around the bush like that...
(Dreven) *grabs the debris cloud with his own TK and starts spinning it violently towards Jet* *folds himself into the puddle of water that he's standing in and disappears from Jet's Force perception again*
*rises up out of another puddle, only inches behind Jet and brings his saber hilt down toward the base of her skull again, while she's hopefully still distracted by the debris cloud and the fact that his presense in the Force is masked*
(Griffen) *grins*
I can fix my own ship thank you very much. But your going to be a father now, think of it this way, would you want your child to grow up not knowing their true dad like we did?
(Dylan) Well... of course I want him to know me... and I have already promised Morgaine I would quit picking fights for fun... I just have one more thing to do then I can put a lot of stuff behind me....
*makes a mental note to smack the information broker upside the head for not giving the info he paid for on time*
(Jet) * Grabs at the swirling debris with her own TK, deflecting most away, see's him dissapear and at the same time ducks slightly to the side to avoid a larger chunk of table that eluded her, his saber hilt connects with her shoulder instead of the base of her skull, a slight crack is heard, shunning the pain via the force she spins to face him useing the hilt of the saber in her other hand to snap down towards his shoulder while sending a snap kick towards his knee at the same time *
Damn it Drev. . I think you cracked my collarbone
(Griffen) Well that's a start, just make sure you follow that path. Like Master Dremoch says "Do wrong... I smack you across the face".... or was that "I smack you no matter if you do wrong or right"?
*Sits up straight at hearing Jet's comment.*
Mr. Dreven Sir, did you just hurt my girlfriend?!?!?!?
(Dylan) *laughs out loud for the for first time in a long while without Morgaine being around*
You... you know you really need to... *laughs some more* You really need to pay more attention... *still laughing* to your lessons... *laughs uncontrollably*
*finally gets himself under control*
Dammit Griff you need to come around more... I feel a lot better now.
(Morgaine) *walks in and sees Jet and Drev fighting, walks around them and sits down beside Dylan and kisses him* Hey hun, I thought you were coming right to bed
(Drev) *hears the crack and spins away from the stike aimed at his shoulder*
*leaps over the snap kick to his knee and lands with his back to the bar*
I'm sorry Jet...what do you say we call it a draw...huh?
*holds up his now very swollen right wrist* *shuts down his saber and grabs a rootbeer and some chocolate from behind the bar and holds it up to her as a token of peace*
(Slayer) *a fuzzy hologram of Slayer transmitted from VERY far away appears in the CCC*
I'm finally getting in range to send a message! Don't know what things are like back home now but I'm just sending this message to let ya'll know I'm alive and that I'll be arriving in the next week or so. I'll see guys then....
*the hologram fizzles out of existence*
(Dylan) * Smiles at Morgaine*
Sorry... I just got to talking to Griffen... lost track of time.
*looks at the holo then to Griffen*
Isnt that our uncle?
(Morgaine) Thats ok, I figured you were here anyways, but I just had to make sure you hadnt gotten yourself into another fight or anything
(Jet) * nods to Drev *
sounds good to me, good duel
* takes the chocolate bar and the rootbeer and heads over to Griffen, Dylan and Morgaine *
(Griffen) *Looks at the holo then turns to this brother.*
That guy looked familiar.
Well yeah, I'm kinda working on coming back sometime, though don't know when.
(Jet) * notices the holo *
wow, long time no hear from, thats cool, Drem and Grif will be glad
(Dylan) Nope... no fights for me... I told you I wasnt to pick fights anymore... er... very much... or not as much....
*looks up at Drev and Jet*
nice duel yall... dont think I've seen Jet take a hit like that very often.
(Griffen) *Smiles at Jet sits next to him.*
You ok there honey?
(Jet) * grins at Dylan*
I broke his wrist, its all good, plus hes got the damned water trick of his now
* smiles at Griffen *
I'am fine, no major mortal wounds
(Morgaine) *looks at Dylan*
Well I guess thats a start
(Grifter) *walks in grabbing a beer from the bar then heads over to sit with everyone*
Hey everyone... Jet Drev Morgaine... Brick and Rock....
(Jet) Hey Grif
(Morgaine) Hey Grif
(Griffen) *Kisses her.*
*Turns to Morgaine.*
Well I hear you have good news for me.
(Dylan) *smiles at Morgaine*
hey at least I'm showing signs of improvement... so uh... you feeling ok? need me to get you something?
*looks at Grifter*
hey Dad....
(Drev) *nods to Jet*
Good fight...
*reaches behind the bar and grabs the med kit* *puts a bacta patch on the cut on his right hand from grabbing her dagger out of the air, then wraps his hand and broken wrist in a bandage to immobilize it* *fixes a glass of tea and makes his way to his table*
(Griffen) *Looks at Dylan.*
Your brick, I'm Rock.
Hey Dad.
(Morgaine) *looks at Dylan*
I'm fine and no I dont need anything
*looks at Griffen, then to Grif then back to Griffen*
Shut up boy, not everyone knows yet
(Jet) * smiels at Griffen again and turns to Morgaine knowing the news but listening anyways *
(Dylan) ok Morgaine...
*kicks Griffen under the table and mouths shut up to him then nods to Grifter*
(Grifter) *looks at Griffen*
No son.. you're Brick... thick and dense like one... Dylan is Rock... no emotions...
*looks at the group sensing that there is something they arent tell him*
Jet... come here.
(Griffen) *Rubs his leg where Dylan kicked it. Mouths "Keep it up Fuzzball"*
(Jet) * glances at the others with a why me look but sighs and gets up, walking over *
uh. . yeah ?
(Grifter) *points to everyone while speaking to Jet*
something is being hid from me.... what is it? Griffen shut up and dont say a word.
(Griffen) What do you mean Dad? And Jet can't go right now, we just sat down and started talking, she with me right now, yes sir, talking with me, that's what we be doing sir.
(Dylan) *Hears the question. Groans and whispers under his breath*
Ah hell... we're sunk.
(Drev) *decides the family gathering might get ugly and makes his way toward the door*
*yells back over his shoulder*
Night everybody....
*leaves and heads back to The Gates*
(Jet) * glances at the other *
well uh. . see. .
* thinks *
I don't think I'am the right person to really explain this. . uhhh
(Griffen) Yes sir.
*Frowns as he shuts up, looking at Jet mentally saying "I'm sorry."*
(Dylan) *waves bye to Drev*
(Morgaine) *sighs and gets up and walks over to Jet and Grif*
Ok she shouldnt be the one telling you anything, its something about me and Dylan, well it involves me more than him, and uh...well you know about us being married already but what you dont know is that I'm pregnant
(Grifter) Night Drev.... Good boy Griffen....
*looks at Jet*
Then who is the right person....
(Jet) * sidles away as Morgaine explains it *
she is
* heads back to her seat *
thanks for trying anyways Griffen
(Grifter) Never mind Jet... Morgaine is the right person...
*looks at Morgaine and Dylan*
I see... Pregnant... This... this is interesting news...
(Morgaine) *looks at Grif and sighs in relief*
At least your taking this better than Dylan did
(Griffen) *Smiles and nods at Jet as he wraps an arm around her as she sits down. Thinking it's probably best if he keeps quiet after this.*
(Dylan) *Watches Morgaine and his Dad. Looks over at his brother*
Griffen I just want you to know that you were a good brother and I hope you miss me when I die in the next 30 seconds...
(Griffen) *Turns to his brother and nods as if saying "I will little brother".*
(Jet) * leans against Griffen slightly watching Morgaine and Grif *
actually he seems to be taking it quite well
(Griffen) *Leans and kisses her temple and whispers.*
I've missed you.
(Grifter) *leans in close to Morgaine where only she can hear him and whispers to her*
I'm very happy for you two... You have always been very good for my son and I cant think of any other woman I'd rather see him with. Anything you need just let me know and you'll have it. Morgaine welcome to the family and congratulations as well as good luck keeping Dylan straight. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to mess with my sons' minds
*Hugs her briefly then steps around her and walks towards the table that Dylan and Griffen are sitting at*
Dylan Storm.... How dare you force this girl to marry you just because she's pregnant.... and you Griffen you going to do the same thing to poor Jet? lips to the front Griffen!
(Jet) * smiles and whispers back *
I've missed you too
* leans her head on his shoulder stifling a yawn still watching the proceedings *
* blinks and looks at Grif *
(Morgaine) *stands there for a second thinking over what just happened, shakes her head and sits down beside Dylan again*
(Dylan) *holds his hands up defensively*
no dad... no its not like that... I mean to get her pregnant... I mean I didnt do it to get her to marry me... no that is I mean she got pregnant without me knowing... no thats not right either... I mean ah hell just kill me and put me out of my misery....
(Griffen) *Sits up straight.*
(Grifter) Dammit Griffen now you arent even paying enough attention to me to know what I asked? ok heres the question again. Are you trying to get Jet pregnant to get her to marry you like your brother?
*looks at Dylan*
So you dont know whats going on either? I find this disturbing since you have a child on the way
(Griffen) *Blinks once rather stoicly, then slowly turns to Jet.*
Umm sweety, is there something you need to tell me?
(Dylan) Well... well dad... I was paying attention but... HEY! I did NOT do that to her! She married me then got pregnant.... *mutters a little quieter* I think....
(Jet) * blinks at Grif again *
I need more chocolate . . .
* calls some from a stash across the bar
* looks at Griffen *
nope, nothing at all
(Grifter) Griffen look at me... not her... We are talking here. you can talk nice with your girlfriend later... unless I ground you.
Dylan shut up!
(Dylan) Yes sir...
*leans back in his chair crossing his arms*
(Griffen) *Notices Jet calling for more food at this strange hour and starts feeling a little faint.*
(Morgaine) *leans against Dylan and lays her head on his shoulder not really knowing what to say or do right now*
(Grifter) GRIFFEN! Explain that now son... She's eating chocolate in the middle of the night like she's feeding for two.
(Jet) * throws the chocolate away *
theres nothing to explain
(Dylan) *puts his arm around Morgaine looking around also not knowing what to do say or think at the moment*
(Grifter) Starving kids in refugee camps and your poor pregnant girlfriend is throwing food away because you are stressing her out Griffen...
(Griffen) *Turns to Dylan.*
You got a minute bro?
(Jet) I am not pragnant
* looks around *
funny how the earth never opens up and swollows you when you WANT it too
(Dylan) *glances at his dad then back to Griffen*
A minute? You think it's going to take us that long to run out the backdoor?
(Grifter) *Looks at the twins*
Neither one of you are running anywhere and now look Griffen Jet is trying to deny her own child
(Griffen) *Glances at the backdoor.*
You think we'd make it?
(Jet) * honestly has no clue what to say now *
(Griffen) *Looks at his dad, then at Jet.*
So, umm Jet, umm are you?
(Grifter) Griffen you do not run from your responsiblities... Your b