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Memorable Quotes II

Here Can be found quotes and video clips compiled from the CCC security camera's which members have found memorable for many reasons, most pertains to a DJO member although some may not, information about the situation may be provided

OOC Comments Caught on Tape

OOC: You don't know the meaning of insane... Insanity is my playground, it is my realm, it is MY world to manipulate and destroy as I see fit... you are just a speck of dust in it's sand box.
Dremoch DeLeoric

(Devin) - ((man im picturing jet as tomb raider and Winder as Terminator.jeez its like an action movie))
( Winder) - ((picturing Jet in short shorts could get you killed))

- Devin -Padawan & Therian " Winder"

Quotes from Friends

(Hoole) - *calls up to him*
You are sssith?
(Jak Mortac Guardsman 007) - "Nope...I am A Spiritual Man..A man Of Peace"

- Hoole & Jak ((for those of you who know Jak, you'll know why I put this up ))

DJO Proposals

(Dylan)* walks in and sees Morgaine, goes and sits with her, looks at her *
"Ok so I've been doing a lot of thinking about us, you know a lot of us thinking…and well"
* gets down on one knee *
" I guess there's only one way to do this "
* pulls out a ring box *
" Morgaine…will you marry me?"
(Morgaine)* sees him get on his knee*
"What are you doing? "
* sees the box *
" No, no, no, don't, don't do it"
* hears him ask her to marry him *
"Dylan why are you doing this?"
(Dylan)* looks up at her*
" I'm doing this cause I'm sorry"
(Morgaine)* looks at him *
" Do you um you really think the best reason to get married is because your sorry?"
(Dylan)"Well no the best reason to get married is pregnancy, sorry is pretty much fourth you know, behind being ready and actually wanting to get married"
* half laughs, looks up at her and smiles *
" Will you be my wife?"
(Morgaine)"You know that none of that stuff came from me, I never said I wanted to get married right now"
(Dylan)"Yeah I know but I was really confused and then I talked to these guys"
* points to Griffen and Jet *
(Morgaine)* looks at Jet and Griffen then to Dylan*
" Who, ran away from an engagement and Griffen?"
(Jet) * Jet looks up and says defensively*
"Hey !"
(Griffen) * Griffen looks at Jet*
" She's right you know"
(Jet) *Jet looks at Griffen *
" Yeah, but still cheap shot"
(Morgaine) * kneels down in front of him *
" You know when I said that I wanted you to deal with this relationship stuff all on your own, well your not ready for that"
(Dylan)* holds up his hands in a defensive posture *
" I didn't think I was"
(Morgaine)* half laughs *
" Oh my god, what would you have done if I had have said yes?"
(Dylan)" Well…I would have been happy, cause I would have been able to spend the rest of my life with the woman that I love…or"
* points to the nearest door *
" You would have seen a Dylan shaped hole in that door"
(Morgaine) * looks into his eyes and smiles *
" Yes"

- Dylan, Morgaine,Jet,Griffen

Joke's, Pranks and Twisted Humour

(Griffen Storm) *Looks down at his drink, then turns to Jet and smiles.*
(Jet Al'Meara ) * smiles back at Griffen *
what are you thinking about? . .you always seem to be thinking, you think to much
(Griffen Storm) *Laughs at Jet.*
Does that scare you?
(Jet Al'Meara) well I guess that depends on what your thinking about
(Griffen Storm) *Grins as he leans a little closer.*
Well, I don't know, just thinking.. bout the future and all...
(Jet Al'Meara) * smiles at Griffen *
ah , the future huh . . well I'am not sure if that scares me then, since the furture is somewhat unpredictable
* smiles at him and gives him a quick kiss, before laying her head on his shoulder *
(Griffen Storm ) *Wraps her close into him as she lays her head on his shoulder.*
Yeah it is pretty unpredictable, far too few things that you can control, like what ship you'll buy, what color your lightsaber will be... who you'll spend the rest of your life with....
*coughs lightly*
(Jet Al'Meara ) * lifts her head and looks at Griffen *
yeah .. those things . .unpredictable . and ya. .unpredictable .
(Griffen Storm) *Looks down at the floor and frowns a bit in concentration.*
I guess what I mean is..
*Moves out of his chair and gets down on his knee with his hand to the ground.*
(Jet Al'Meara) * watches Griffen, nodds absent mindedly at Telsa, but keeps her gaze on Griffen, waiting silently *
(Griffen Storm) *Looks up at her and notices she's just staring at him, but continues. Looks down at the floor again.*
Well I guess that it's so difficult right now with the Vong and those blasted PB's to be with someone...
*Looks up at her.*
(Jet Al'Meara ) *shakes at the mention of the PB's, but holds her ground and continues waiting
( Griffen Storm ) *Looks down at the floor and searches his pockets with his free hand and mutters.*
Where is that blasted thing, I know I left it in here somewhere.
(Jet Al'Meara ) * watches him and gives a slight nervous smile *
(Griffen Storm ) *Pats his last pocket.*
Ah there it is...
*Pulls out a datacard reader. Stands up and sits back down on his chair and raises a datacard.*
Can you believe someone left this on the floor?
Oh well, like I was saying, these last few days have really made me understand how great it is to be with you and the way our relationship is going.
*Leans in and gives her a long kiss.*
I'm glad you didn't kill me for trying.
*Grins at her.*
(Jet Al'Meara) * laughs at Griffen and kisses him back *
I'am glad I didn't too
(Griffen Storm ) *Looks at Jet laughing at him a little confused.*
(Jet Al'Meara) nothing. . but your still worried I'd hurt you? . I wouldn't you know, and I'am glad I didn't when you tried either . .well okay . . I think I did duel you once. . and um hit you a few times . . but I would have never done anything to serious
(Griffen Storm) I know, and yeah we did duel once, but that was me during my "Ah hell might as well kill myself rather then let Master Dremoch do it himself" phase.
- Griffen Storm & Jet Al'Meara

Possible Good-Byes

*nods to Jet*
I believe in myself, but i think ill be the only Whorrian left.....
*looks to Steps, tears welling up in his eyes. he wraps her in a hug*
Im not dying honey.....heaven doesnt want me, Hell is afraid ill take over...
- Winder

More Gut's Then Brains

*nods to Star and walks to over to Jet and kisses her with as much passion as he can considering the fear he has of her*
- Dylan Storm (a creative and potentially lethal way to break up with a girlfriend)

Our "Fearless" Leader

"THE Temba? wow. A pleasure. well I have to say there is a resemblence. Yeah, Nice to meet you Temba, If you ever need an animal killed I am your man. Cypher Hodah. I've killed Nexu and Acklay. Once I killed a Sarrlac. Dropped a bunch of TD's down it's throat. yeah well. geezus I am stammering like a clown."
* sips his beer still in awe that this is the leader of the infamous DJO *

- Cypher Palpatine-Hodah

(Temba)", hows things with Griffen? Are you still with him?"
(Jet)- "umm, yeah I am and pretty good, I think. . he's on a trip with Drem right now"
(Temba)- "What do you mean its going pretty good and that your still with him, I thought it was just a some kind of fling, shouldn't it have well you know flung by now?"

- Temba Parcon & Jet Al'Meara

DJO Logic

*smirks and hold the saber in his chest*
Serious damage to important body parts, particularly those vital organs normally well-protected by the skeletal structure of the chest, pretty much screws up any future plans you might have had for living. Bummer, eh?
*pulls her saber out of his chest*

- Morgaine Parcon

"Thats right I was dead, but I find that I can not quietly sleep in my grave while morons still rome among us."
- Phoenix Storm

Comments about Members from others

*Dylan approached Khelek after he had finished his fight. Among his remarks were who he was and why he should still be alive. Khelek paused and then answered.*
" "I am Khelek, a Talz with the gift of the force. As for why you should let me live, I am very interested in the DJO. The Jedi are not for me. There are too many people there that wouldn't even talk to me. I suppose it's because I'm different, being a Talz and all."
*Dylan talked with several others and Khelek continued to watch him. This is a powerful man Khelek thought, Very powerful. *

Quarren Jedi Vril Khelek

*although the Dark Lord has the advantage, Dylan is an amazing fighter*
*the Dark Lord delivers several blows and even receives a few himself*
*the Sith kicks at Dylan's head but he ducks*
*he continues with and elbow strike to the lower back, but again Dylan avoids it*
"Most impressive... Jet has trained you well..."
admits the Dark Lord
*however, the Sith is also a great warrior, one that does not allow such an enormous advantage to go unexploited*
*thusly he hammers down the DJO Kabal Priest, with a series of powerful blows, aided, unlike Dylan in his current state, by the Force*
- Dark Lord of the Sith

Protective .. or over protective ??

*leaves his room holding Cordelia. carries her downstairs then hands her to Jet*
"Dylan and I will be gone for a week at least... You're watching Cordie since Phoenix is also out of system.... a short list of rules..."
dont let her stay up to late...
dont let her sleep to much either.
dont let Griffen teach her any bad habits.
if you take her outside make sure you put sunblock on her skin...
dont let any Jedi hold her....
dont let any hutts near her either...
make sure she's feed every 4 hours...
and make sure you check the bottle's tempature so its not too hot...
dont let her suck her thumb too much...
dont let her have soda after 8pm...
make sure you hold her with both hands while walking...
never ever ever move more than 3 feet away from her either....
no fighting with her around either...
also you and Griffen get married while I'm gone
*opens a comm from space to Jet*
forgot a few things Jet...
Nanny droids cant be trusted and you are entirely solely responsible for Cordie. just remember to think to yourself. "Will this make Grif unhappy?" if the answer isnt an immediate "No this will not make Grif unhappy" then you dont do it.... have fun Jet...
* ends the com to her *

- Grifter Storm

Dreams & Visions

*lying in her bed, sound asleep, Cordie is whisked off to dream world*

She is back in the game room, standing next to the pool table, knowing that she should be playing pool, she tries to pick up a cus but her hand just passes through it. Looking up, she sees Drev sitting on the stool and notices hes talking...

"Cordie...Keijen is evil, he's tried to kill just about everyone I know on numerous occasions, I've been the target three times. He uses people to suit his own needs, and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process. And I don't trust him.... Cordie...I'm not trying to upset you. I just want you to see your uncle for who he really is. Ask your father about him, or your brothers for that matter. And if nothing else, just be careful around him.... I don't know why Grif and Dylan haven't warned you off about him yet. But I'm telling you Keijen is no good. He and Grif were mortal enemies at one time, and he even ran Grif through with his saber. And don't even ask me about the time Keijen almost broke Dylan in half...he was laid up in bed for days...moaning and griping because he couldn't go out and get Keijen back. Please listen to me Cordie...

She hears the words and feels the anger rising in her and tries to let it out, screaming*

*Cordie's scream of anger is heard throughout the mansion*

The room spins, faster and faster, everything becoming a whirlwind of color. Dizzy, she closes her eyes and opens them a few minutes later. What she sees is the CCC, just like it was last time. Almost afraid to look, she turns around and sees her mommy in the clutches of Uncle Keijen, not Uncle Damon. Spying her, he grins evilly and plunges the dagger into her mothers throat. She tries to scream but is surprised to hear no sound come out.

MOMMY!!!!! *Cordie cries out in her sleep*

Keijen laughs at her pathetic attempt to scream then spreads his arms. Thinking he is asking for a hug, Cordie is appalled and just stares at him. He then turns around, his arms pointing to the corners of the room. She follows his pointing and looks to see the bodies of the rest of the DJO piled ontop of each other like casualties from a war. In one corner lies her Daddy and her belived teacher, both stabbed to death, their blood lying in small pools around them. In the other corners are Dylan and Morgaine and two small children she guesses to be Chase and Erika, all three also stabbed to death. As she looks around, she sees Temba, Griffen, Karisma, Dag, Winder and Steps. The final place she looks at has her four nephews in it, her beloved Slade ontop, his sniper rifle lying next to his cold, dead body. Gasping for air and suddenly finding she can't breathe, she turns around to see Keijen smiling deviously, his hands around her neck, squeezing.

Now, now princess, don't fight it, its your turn to join your family.

He laughs menacingly as he squeezes her neck harder. She tries to stop him, but her arms and legs fail her. Black dots fill her vision...

*She wakes up in her room, now 16 yeaes old, gasping and sweating profusely. She puts a hand up to her neck and can almost feel her Uncle's hands there squeezing. Looking around the room, she realizes what she must do. She gets dressed and grabs all her weapons, including her new sabers, and leaves the mansion to find Uncle Keijen, the only one who can answer her questions.*

- Cordelia Storm

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