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Trevan Zorn

Trevan Zorn is the son of Dreven Strobe. Unbeknownst to Dreven, Trevan’s mother, Valarie Kendl, was off-planet at the time of Troszen’s destruction. They had been lovers for a time and were, in fact, engaged to be married. Both assumed the other had been killed in the planet’s destruction.
Valarie was only a few weeks pregnant with Trevan at the time. She was relocated to a refugee camp on Naboo, where she gave birth to Trevan. When Trevan was a little over a year old, Valarie married Silas Zorn, a local business man on Naboo. Silas adopted Trevan and raised him as his own son. Valarie never lied to Trevan about his true father though, and she would sit for hours and tell him stories about Dreven.
As he grew, Trevan knew he was loved by his mother and step-father, but he was always felt as though part of him was missing. He did well in school and when he was 17, got a job working for a shipping company on Naboo. By the time he turned 18, he was piloting his own freighter, an old YT-1300, on runs to the outer rim.
It was on one of these runs that he heard the name “Dreven Strobe” mentioned in a conversation at a bar while he was waiting for his cargo to be unloaded. After his delivery was finished, he resigned from his job with the shipping company, took all the credits he had saved and bought the freighter. He then set out and followed every lead and piecing small bits of clues together in order to find Dreven. He eventually finds him in the Contagiously Convoluted Cantina on Corellia. They become instant friends and begin the long process of catching up on everything that has happened over the years.

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