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Blackcat Jenakabi

Name: Blackcat Jenakabi
Age: 25
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown with silver streak
Training: Unarmed/Armed Combat and Survival Tactics. Bounty Hunting & Smuggling. Briefly trained as a Light Jedi, Master of Grey Jedi arts.
Ships: The Panther - Modified Black Corellian YT-1600 : quad turbo lasers, concussion missiles, shield deflectors, on-board armoury and holding cell. Berellophon - Modified Advanced A-wing (in storage): dual laser, concussion missiles, shields, experimental weapons drive ‘death flower’ never successfully tested, seats 2.
Weapons: Wrist-mounted blaster, twin white bladed lightsabers, green dual-bladed saber, purple extended saber, Vibroblade holstered in his boot, daggers in his belt, various explosives (including variable-yield Thermal Detonators)

As a small child Blackcat had a wonderful life, he was never held back of anything as most royal children were. However at the age of 6, his family was slaughtered while he was out playing, he came back to see his entire family massacred and swore revenge on whoever did this. He set out to find his family’s murderers when he was picked up by a bounty hunter named Tek’al Jenakabi.

Tek’al took Blackcat under his wing, treating him like a son. From this man Cat was able to learn many things such as survival, combat and the art of hunting and capturing bounties. After a few years, Cat forgot about avenging his family... after all, he had a new one. But at the age of 16, Cat bore witness to the execution of Tek’al for attempted extortion and treason. In his dying breaths, he told Cat that it was he who had taken out his family, and he couldn’t bear to kill another innocent child, which was why he was still alive. He also asked that Cat give up the bounties and make a new name for himself

Upon Tek’al’s death Cat took the boutny hunter’s belongings (a black YT-1600 which he had aptly named The Panther, and his last name) and set out to fulfill his deceased friend’s last wish. This brought him to the Jedi order, which he was promptly kicked out of on his second day for attempting to slay his master in a training exercise. Upon being ejected from the order, Cat set out to train himself, when by a freak accident, he crash landed on a desolate planet inhabited only by one humanoid. This humanoid was a sage in the arts of light, dark and neutral force powers. He called himself a Grey Jedi. Blackcat only knew this man as “Master” and spent 6 years training and learning from him, mastering Musashi-sword style (twin-blade fighting technique) and the Force. Master bestowed upon Blackcat the title of ‘Master of the Grey Jedi Arts’ and the power of CyberLocke (a rare force power wherein the user links their mind with a machine, much like a mind trick for technology) before passing away soon thereafter, believing that he had done his duty and trained a practical clone of himself.

When Cat arrived back, he was granted a seat on the Jedi Council for reasons unbeknownst to him. He took on many apprentices, many of which have fallen in battle. When his last padawan died from a Vong onslaught on Corillea, Cat left to the unknown territories to find an desolate planet and meditate. After nearly a year of meditation, he realized that it was the Light Jedi aspects of his apprentices’ trainings that made them weak. He turned his back on the order, developing a deep loathing for them.

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