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The picture quality is not the greatest, I will be retaking the pictures soon, and re-uploading them to the site.

January 2003
Acrylic Painting: An Old Ferrari; I did this one January, 2003
January 29
The above was done with Oil Pastels. Completed on 29 January 2003
Spring '01
An Oil Painting done in Spring 2001, I believe.
January 27
Oil Painting. Completed 27 January 2003
Spring 2001
Oil Painting: Another one from Spring 2001
Spring-My Fave
Oil Painting: This is one of my favorites; Spring 2001
January 28
Oil Pastel; January 28, 2003 Not Yet Finished
Christmas 2001
Oil Painting; This was my Fathers Christmas Present 2001
High School
Acrylic Painting: Done in High School(either in 1998 or 1999)