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Close Encounters with Kevin Costner

Close Encounters of Kevin Costner Kind

The following pages are all photos and stories contributed by fans that have meet Kevin Costner. All photos are copyright and own by the fans themselves and may not be copied without their permission. I want to thank all these wonderful people for contributing their stories and or photo's for all of Kevin's Fans to see and share. I also can not let it go unsaid about husbands whom have helped take photo's and or taped Kevin so their wives and others can enjoy these photo's.
If you have some photo's and or a story that you want to share please email me: Cheryl

Lhonda's Photo's Austin Prem FLOTG

Dakota's Story & Photo's From Little League World Series

Josie & Aprils Story and Photo's Aspen 1999

Shawn's Story & Photo's of Kevin in Iceland 1999

Karen Hunt's Story & Photo****NEW 5/09/02

Stephen Woo Story & Photos****NEW 5/25/02