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Chapter 2

	“Yipee,” I said unenthusiastically rolling out of bed. Contrary to popular
superstition, we vampires aren’t really going to melt when we see the sun, I
mean we definitely don’t make a practice of sunbathing, but a little light here
and there doesn’t hurt us. It’s our sensitive eyes that make us shy away from
going out during the day. That and years of habits can’t be too wrong. It only
makes my love for accessories more useful, because I have a whole drawer full
of sunglasses because I like to match. That’s just me though. I had sensitive
eyes even before my vampire days. 

	About me. Well, I’m twenty real years old, but I will always look 16. I
am about five foot four inches tall, about average body, and I mean I’m not too
thin, but I’m not fat either. I have blue eyes, blondish, brownish hair, which is
wavy so it doesn’t like to curl or be straight. It does exactly what it wants. I
obviously don’t fit the description of a vampire, but then again I haven’t been
one for very long. I think it’s been about four years now and I’m still getting
used to it. 

	The story of how I became a vampire isn’t too interesting. I was sixteen
and dating the guy of my dreams. He was handsome, had dark hair, thin, sorta
tall, and over all the sweetest guy ever. Well, one evening we were out on a
date, and he asked me if he could tell me a secret. Well, being the dense person
I look back at, I said sure and he proceeded to tell me his story. 

	He was the only son of a wealthy land owner in the sixteen hundreds in
Germany and he managed, even then, to get involved with the wrong crowd and
got involved with the occult. His mistake took an even worse turn when one of
his friends attacked and bit him, turning him into a vampire also.
	He had come to America in about 1900 in search of a better home, and
better job. He managed to get in contact with the newly formed Society for
Witches, Warlocks, and Vampires who met monthly to discuss problems or new
issues pending the group. He jumped from town to town, finding new victims,
and leaving before anyone noticed that he wasn’t growing older. He would
eternally be eighteen. 

	Well, after he finished his story he asked me what I thought. I just
looked at him, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or just joking with
me. To play it safe I asked him if he was actually telling the truth and he asked
me if I wanted proof. Well, that was all well and fine and of course I said yes.
He bit me right then and there. Since then, I graduated, moved away, and hoped
to also get involved with the Society.
	Another horrible twist of fate was the fact that he was killed just weeks
later when a would-be victim managed to puncture his heart with a steak knife
during a failed blood-attempt. No one believed the victim, and he was charged
with murder. I took this very hard, and often thought of what life would have
been like if I had not gone on that date.

Chapter 3

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