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Chapter 4

	I kind of zoned out while the witch announcements went on and on. I
snapped back into reality when the lights dimmed somewhat, signaling the
arrival of the King. Actually, the King looks like a 20 year old guy, who is
kinda meek and really, really pale. Our king had been among the original few
who had survived the ages and grown to prominence here in the United States.
His name was William, but most vampires referred to him as “Sir” and “My
Liege.” I called him Will because along with my boyfriend he had attended my
high school and the two had been best friends. I gave Will an encouraging smile
to help him get over the ever-present jitters of public speaking. I would never
have any romantic involvement with Will, but he really was a good friend.

	“Now, as we all know there are lots of new vampires out there and they
need to find us. The Society was created so we could band together for the
greater good…” Will was giving another of his “if you convert them, bring
them to a meeting” speeches. Again I zoned out, dreaming of the perfect
vampire man. He would have to be dark, handsome, funny, attentive, sweet,
adorable, and just overall perfect. I drew a picture in my mind of him and
decided to think about it later. I would draw a picture when I got home because
I had fallen in love with my own imagination. 

	“…And in conclusion, I would like you all to know that you need to take
responsibility for you actions. Please, if you do something, be there to take the

	With that everyone picked up their folding chairs, set them in the corner
and started to jam. Most of the people in the room were either by enchantment
or just eternally in their teens and twenties making it a rocking party. A disco
ball was set up as well as a DJ table. I danced until I could dance no more. It
was like I was on hyper drive and loving every minute of it. Kevin was a
surprisingly good dancer and for a warlock a pretty good guy. 

Chapter 5

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