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Our Observations

Weird Stuff We've Noticed About the Boys, Ourselves, and Those Around Us

Oh yeah....they're sane....wait,no. Boys, is there something you're not telling us? And Kevin, that's your cousin, for goodness' sake get your hands off his hips!

1) The "official" number of tatoos on AJ varies...ffrom 8 to 11 in printed articles. We count 9 or 11, depending on whether you count the chinese ones seperate or as one.

2) Whenever they talk about how they formed they usually "find" Kevin and he always "brings" Brian. *C'mon Brian, get in the box*

3) The millions of teenage girls have goten to Brian and Nick-they make sure they are covered head to toe in multiple layers at virtually all times. Furthermore, Nick may not be fat at all, it may just be the 7 shirts he's wearing. For all we know, he's as thin as AJ underneath.

4) AJ is always doing little dances, often to music the rest of us can't hear...kinda like Bobbi...

5) Nick always manages to reference his favs (ex: the ocean, Nirvana, basketball, Brian...)

6) They all seem to have their own little jobs in interviews/performances. Brian is the choir director (gotta watch him while singing), Kevin is the manager/school teacher (dictates control, gives permission to talk, etc.) Howie is PR (He tells stories, talks to people, and is generally all around friendly). Nick is the annoying child they were forced to bring along (he whines, 'nuff said) and AJ is the pimmp/drug dealer. ( we haven't seen him actually do this..he just likes to look the part.) Granted, the last two aren't exactly positions needed by most pop groups, but hey, the other three had to work them in somehow.

7) They all seem to really like the story of Nick getting locked out in his green bikini breifs..granted, it was funny the first ten times we heard it...and we'd be laughing pretty hard if we saw Nick in green bikini breifs too..but it's gotten old.

8) Not that they ere ever plausible, but the obscene lines sung by married members just don't work anymore. Specifically Brian in LTL.."Wishing I could thank you in a differnet way"...yeah right. Do it and Leighanne kicks your ass.

9) Be a fan long enough, you develop radar. You quickly spot anything related to them, no matter how small, or off the main subject of your concentration. Bobbi instantly spots leopard print, Laura can recognize most songs by one chord heard while spinning the dial on the radio.

10) You may also develop the ability to receive TV and radio waves. You can be walking along, and suddenly get the urge to turn on a certain channel or station..presto, there they are.

11) The video for "The One" is extremely mesmerizing..pretty flashing colors..very dangerous when trying to focus on, say, a conversation. On the phone. With your mom. About her car breaking down. Somewhere...not quite sure...missed that part...

12) AJ seems to enjoy the subject of picking noses. He talks about it, and there are multiple pictures of him pretending to pick his own or someone else's nose.

13) For some reason every time we hear the song "C'mon Ride the Train" we collapse in a fit of giggles. By the way, none of them can agree as to why exactly Kevin is called "Train". (Suspicious..)

14) Most fans are very good at relating anything and everything to the Boys.

15) In most pictures Nick manages to have physical contact with one or more members of the grooup. He's a very "Touchy-feely" kinda guy.

16) Speaking of Nick in pictures, there are a good deal of shots where Nick has one or both arms out of sight behind the guys backs, and they have a look of shock (although sometimes controlled shock)on their face. Ever wonder about those? We do.....

17) In the LTL video, AJ has an ass. The rest of the time, he usually doesn't. What exactly happened there, we don't know.

18) AJ often (most likely) has his eyes closed in photos. Ocasionally, he forgets he's wearing tinted glasses (and we can therefore see his eyes) and we catch him at it.

19) Kevy-Kev knows how to post (while riding)! Yea for him! Sorry had to point that out.

20) No sitting on dancers. No throwing either. People, not toys.

21)On the Disney special, they walk out of the Subway. Yeah right. Like they actually rode it.

22)Brian always does that little running dance to illustrate "on the run" in QPG....In case we didn't get the lyric.

23)The boys obviously had to be good for Disney. But they, well..actually AJ, mess up twice. While they're dancing in the "V", watch AJ in the background. He starts to lift his shirt up then drops it. Later at "Let me hear you scream" in Everybody he says "scream" in a suddenly high voice, while putting his hand at the top of his pants and doing a slight thrust. Betcha at least 2 Disney execs hit the floor in a dead faint when they saw that. At least 2.

24)Brian switches pants mid-basketball game. He starts in red shorts, then next thing ya know, they're blue pants. I wanna know how he pulled that one off in front of a crowd and cameras. Wish I'da been there...

25)The camera man got hit by balls/players multiple times. Either it's just off camera, so you're not supposed to notice the camera jostling, or they cut off right before impact.

26)Brian always has little "secrets"...."Sshh!...Don't tell them about that Nick..."

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