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High above, stars passed as in processional fair.
In the dark the candle flickered soft and bright with light,
While his fingers slipped through her flowing red hair.
Later that night, he got out of his plate armor,
Not knowing that she was still dressed in kind.
Just like a bird trapped in a hungry cat's cage,
For her, it was only a short matter of time....
Excerpt from a poem by Lancelot in the poetry section...

This photo is copyright Stacy E. WalkerStacy E. Walker Official Web site
Last updated 05/25/01

This site is dedicated to Cherif Fortin and Stacy E. Walker, Romance Cover Models, Artists, Writers, etc. Two very beautiful and talented people!

Places and Things Cherif Enjoys Places and Things Stacy E. Walker Enjoys Horoscope for Cherif A Page for Cherif's Daughter Poetry Section
More Places to see and Things to Explore Movies that Cherif would be great in! Picture Gallery
If you entered through a Webring Library of Book Cover Art
In Honor of Cherif's Birthday 08/19/2000 Fantasy Art Section Medieval Books Medieval Graphics Mermaids for Stacy E. Walker
Fan Interviews- New one 08/22/00 Artwork made by the Fans Dedicated to Lynn Sanders To Be Filled Soon! To be Filled Soon!


Check out this new fan site dedicated to Cherif. It is AWESOME! You will not be sorry!
Deborah's Cherif Site

Check out this great interview with Cherif along with an awesome picture of Cherif and Lynn Sanders:o) You won't be disapointed:o)

Interview with Cherif

CHERIF is on the October cover of the Romantic Times magazine! Check it out! WOW:o)Click on the picture to go to the Romantic Times site

I want to thank my friend Irmasue for this picture of Cherif:o) He looks like he could be the star of Braveheart in this makeup and costume, don't you think?

Cherif will be involved in an Auction to benefit KIDS at RISK during the Romantic Times Convention in Texas. For a little more information on this great act of Charity Cherif is involved in..Auction

You can see Book Cover art in the Book Cover Library, if you have more books that either Cherif or Stacy have modeled for, be sure to email me, I would love to add more!

Thank you Cherif for being a Knight in Disguise!

This web site in a whole is my way of saying thanks for all the magnificent work that people like Cherif Fortin and Stacy E. Walker do. None of us know exactly how pain staking their jobs as models can be and yet they do it so professionally with the end results actually looking like works of art. How many of us would want to be subjected to odd poses while the photographer hunts for the perfect picture? How many of us would want to wear next to nothing when the weather could be freezing? My total respect goes out to these two beautiful people that are able to represent the pictures that we all have in our heads of what the heroes and heroines actually look like when we crack open a book.....

Not only that but there is so much more to these two people than just a pretty face. They are sons, daughters, friends, business people, intelligent people who are making their mark on this world, and Cherif is even a father. This is one of the best reasons for me to make this site. I hope you will agree with me. Once again I say, my total respect goes out for them in all that they do and the great people that they are, this world runs short of great people now and then.

Not only does Cherif model but he is also a talented artist as well. The new web site that just opened that he has done with Lynn Sanders is breath takingFortin and Sanders Official homepage! The pictures, the illustrations that Ms. Sanders and Cherif have put together blew me away! I would definitely suggest that you take the time to view the entire web site. Each time I visit there is something new to see, something I did not catch the first time. The Behind the Scenes pictures are priceless. It is all well worth your time!

One of the most awe-inspiring books I have come across is the illustrated Gothic love story that Cherif and Lynn Sanders have published called Passions Blood. So you see, Cherif is not only great looking, an artist but a published author as well! I also hear that he sews his own costumes!! What woman wouldn't love to have a man like that? As far as Passions Blood is concerned, I would highly recommend it, the illustrations alone make you feel like you are there! Prince Emric can come and stay with me anyday:o)

You can find it at or you can try the link to my Barnes and Noble Book store:o)

If you visit Ms. Walker’s site you can enter into the Romance section via her banner to find pictures of her modeling sessions with Cherif. His dark hair and her long red tresses are wonderful together in a mix of fire and darkness. Check out the pictures, you won’t be disappointed :o) For both Ladies and men alike, there is something to see, something to enjoy. She is not only a gorgeous red head but also a great business woman, check out the things in her mall, you won't be disapointed.

To visit more of Cherif and Stacy E. Walker’s sessions, click on her banner and it should take you right there!

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This site is only a fan site made in appreciation for Cherif Fortin and Stacy E. Walker. I have no direct connection with either Mr. Fortin or Ms. Walker. This site was made just for fan purposes. Pictures used should have links to each site that I have gotten them from as well as any other references to actual people, or places. I will take down anything that might otherwise need to be taken down, just email me:o)