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This is a special page I have made in honor of
Cherif's daughter. Out of all the people in my life,
my Dad is one of my most cherished people. Little
Kira is a lucky little girl to have a great guy like
Cherif to be her Daddy.
Happy Father's Day Cherif! June 18, 2000

Daddy's Angel

by, Max The Poet ©2000
She means more to me, than life,
She's the wish I'd once dreamt,
She is an Angel, sent by God,
To ease my heart's lament.
She's my daughter, my prize,
The gleam within my eyes,
I love her more than anything,
And I hate it when she cries.
She gives me hope, she gives me love,
And her hugs, they are the best,
She is all I ever dreamed of,
Apart from all the rest.
Her love is unconditional,
It comes straight from her heart,
Lifting me up when I am blue,
As she did right from the start.
I love my daughter with all my heart,
She's an Angel from above,
She has given me more than I can give,
She taught me how to "love".
By Max-
For his daughter McKenzie Rose
Copyright By ~ Max the Poet ~

When my girl was only three,
She came and said to me;
I love you daddy with all my heart,
Are you in love with me?
Well I fought the tears of father's pride,
I said with broken words;
I love you more than you will know,
With words no one has heard.
Influenced by the things she hears,
On telly - what people say;
She captures the feelings of a father's heart,
When she expressed her love that way.
I told her of my unending love,
Of how it would never die;
How she holds my hearts small key,
…..How love can pass you by.
You are a daughter of heaven's delight,
First day I saw you there;
I fell in love with a daughter fair,
I know your love and care.
Things you do show how you feel,
A butterfly kiss each night;
The way you look into my eyes,
The way you squeeze me tight.
One day my girl so precious,
You'll meet a love to be;
I fear you'll forget you told me,
That you're in love with me.
Will she remember me always,
Her dad who loves her true;
When she leaves this place called home,
Will it leave me blue?
I want for you a husband,
A man close by your side;
That gives you butterfly kisses,
That's not afraid to cry.
Then I'll know you're happy,
With a man who loves you dear;
Like daddies butterfly kisses,
You've known for many years.
By Firpac
© 1998 Firpac (All rights reserved)

These are a few links to pages little girls may enjoy:o)
A Party for Kira-Short Story with Pictures
Home Page for Disney
The Home Place for Winnie the Pooh
A Place to see lots of Bugs Bunny and Friends
A Great Father's Day Site

To Return to the Main Site
