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1. How long have you been a fan of Cherif Fortin's?

I'm a new fan, I guess. I've only known of him since last year. The first cover I ever saw with him was the cover of RT when they did an article with him and Lynn Sanders about Passion's Blood. Then I saw him everywhere!

2. What made you become interested in him?

The beautiful artwork. The first book I ever bought with Cherif on it was Charming the Prince by Teresa Medeiros. Awesome story! I absolutely loved the inside cover. It wasn't until recently when I saw it on his site that I knew it was one he and Lynn had done. Or at lease I assume that's why it's there. :)

3. Do you have a favorite book cover of his?

Oh, the agony of choice! I don't think I've seen a bad one yet, so as of now, I like them all!

4. If you could meet Cherif one day, is there anything that you might like to tell him?

Hold on a sec, I just need to get my tongue back from that cat. ;)
Thank you Angelus075 for your answers:o)

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