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Welcome to the Library's Love Quote of the Day

These are books that Cherif has modeled for and/or had a part in writing... I have also included with the book covers links to book reviews, the authors home pages, etc. I hope you will find something that you might enjoy!

Book Review for Passions Blood

Oracle by Katherine Greyle

The Marriage Prize

Virginia Henley's Home Page

Year and a Day by Virginia Henley

Cherif and Stacy modeled for this one. Check out the cool look to Stacy's hair:o)

Joan Johnston –Home page
The Bodyguard

Marsha Canham- Home page

Pride of the Lions

Blood of Roses
Midnight Honor by Marsha Canham. Not released yet.

More Coming Soon!

Cherif and Stacy modeled for the Bridegroom inside cover art and Stacy together with Rob Ashton modeled for this great cover.....

For those that I do not have the inside cover art posted yet, I am working on it:o)

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