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Dedicated to Lynn Sanders

Photo is copyright Fortin and Sanders Fortin and Sanders

What would a site for Cherif be without a special page dedicated to his partner Lynn Sanders? The work that both Cherif and Lynn do to this day amazes me. I love the look of the pictures after they are finished with them. They will definitely have me for a fan for a long, long time. Thank you Lynn for the beautiful photos of Cherif and the rest of the models and thank you for the wonderful website that I am a frequent visitor to Fortin and Sanders

A great example of some of Lynn and Cherif's wonderful work is below. The first picture is work from one of the masters that the pair admires and the second is a wonderful book cover that they did for author Virginia Henley called "A Year and a Day".

There is one word that describes them, "Wow!"

Another great thing that has come out of the pairing of Cherif and Lynn is the Gothic Romance Passions Blood. I have a copy of it at home and no one is allowed to touch it! I hated to even get finger prints on it when I first got it but I was dying to read the love story within it's pages. I am also looking forward to their next literary project that features photos of Cherif and Stacy Walker. I will have to add that one to my collection as well.

I will say once again that Cherif and Lynn and Stacy will always have a fan in me. Their work in modeling, art, and books will always have a place in my home. Thank you!



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