HELLO !!!! Welcome to The Jane Leeves Files a site dedicated to the tallented Jane Leeves the actress best known for playing Daphne on the hit US TV show Frasier. Here you'll find all the most up to date pictures , articles and info as well as a comprehensive archieve making it the perfect place for both the new and the more established fans. If you have anything you think I'd like to add or if you'd like to let me know what you think of the site please MAIL ME . Also there's Jane Leeves message board link at the bottom of the page this board is password protected so anyone wishing to join should mail me for the password .Also the Jane Leeves mailing list is a great place to discuss Jane and Her work and don't forget to sign the guest book :o) In the mean time Enjoy the site :o)


LATEST :- All the latest updates !!!!

NEWS :- All the latest news on what's happening with Jane and also with the show

BIOGRAPHY :- A brief biography of Jane including a detailed list of film and TV appearances.

ARTICLES / INTERVIEWS :- Articles and interviews ranging from as far back as 1987 to the present day.

PICTURES :- Hundreds of pictures including Benny Hill and Sienfeld and always the most up to date shots.

CANDID SHOTS :- Photo's exclusive to this web site from various awards shows

FRASIER VID CAPS :- The most comprehensive base of Jane Leeves Frasier Vid Caps housed on Jamie's Jane Leeves Domain

COMPLETE FRASIER EPISODE GUIDE :- The most comprehensive Frasier Episode guide on the net courtesy of Eunice the perfect place for the avid Jane Leeves fan who just can't remember that episode title or wants to check the status of their video collection.

DAPHNE MOON TRIVIA :- The replacement for my very popular Daphne Moon Trivia Site , find all the trivia facts togther on one page , over 100 daphne facts at your finger tips.

QUOTES :- Quotes , not just from frasier but Don't Go Breaking My Heart and also great lines that got away.

NILES AND DAPHNE LYRICS :- All the lyrics we've discussed over the months on the Frasier mailing lists that might be songs for Niles and Daphne.

THE 100TH SHOW :- "The Reporter" did a wonderful spread on Frasier's 100th show including full page ad's by each cast member and other's including guest stars and people linked to the stars. Here I've put in a scan of jane's article and one from her agent and also the one from DHP just because it really made me laugh. Thanks to Julie Randal for not just these but the whole 20 page article lovely crisp copies that are perfect for scanning.

JANE LEEVES SCREEN SAVER :- The latest Jane Leeves screen saver

NILES AND DAPHNE WALLPAPER :- Two great Niles and Daphne wallpapers by Eve

FRASIER STUFF :- Bits and Pieces on the other cast members

LINKS :- Links to some other great Jane Leeves / Frasier sites

CREDITS :- All the thank you's to all the people who help


Get mailed everytime the site up dates simply MAIL ME and put update in the subject line.


LAST UPDATED :- 09/07/00



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