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MF Interview con't!

Question (14) What aspect of your celebrity do you enjoy the most?
MF: There's a lot of great things about being, um a celebrity,
ah certainly travelling around the world, meeting wonderful people,
meeting talented people, the best part about being ahh a celebrity for me
is that I get to do what I love to do in my life ,
everyday of my life that means being able to 'create things'
that ,means having an artistic license to do
something that might seem completely unusual
to the rest of the world but once its seen through my 'eyes'
ahh maybe its accepted by other people.

Question (15) Do you compare yourself to other artists or dancers out there?
From where do you draw your inspiration, within or without?
MF: Don't go outside for the answers,
YOU have to go inside for the answers,
now that's not to say that you can't admire people like RUDOLPH NUREYEV,
or   BARISHNYKOV, or NIJINSKI, because they are unbelievable
what I could never do what they do, and I wouldn't pretend to be as great as them in their art form .
  What I do is totally different.
I've always seen it differently. um when I look at something, I see it completely different
than what other people see it, I just do , and particularly my dance,
the way that I dance is because I go inside, I don't go to see other shows,
I don't like television it bores me,
I think it teaches people the wrong things
and it takes away the ability for people to think for themselves
I enjoy the challenge to come up with something completely new, n
ot something that someone else had done before ,
no matter HOW GREAT ,
I don't strive to be like them, I think its important that you go inside for all of your answers .

FOF/ MICHAEL giving Daire the evil eye!! (G)!

Question (16) We're coming toward the end of a millennium and entering into a new one.
What are some things you look forward to in the future?
MF: What I look forward to um, oh lots of great things,
in the world I think we've come a long way,
I think that the Millennium is gonna bring a lot of new and exciting things ,
I would hope that we will see a lot more in space,
I hope that we can learn more about ourselves
by learning more about the rest of the universe.
I' m a big fan of Steven Hawkins, and his book, " A Brief History of Time",
and um blackholes, and Baby Universes, I think he is a Genius,
and I like some of his views on the universe.
I would to see   us try and reach out further in the future.
if technology keeps going at the rate its going today
then we should be able to do so much more in the next hundred years.
If we look back at what has been accomplished in these 2000 years
I believe that by far and away that the majority of everything we've
accomplished has been done in the last one hundred years, and even the last fifty years
we've been on the moon, we have the atom bombs, we have television, we have electricity,
we have automobiles its all just 'happened'.
So now we're starting to accelerate ,
and learn as we go now the rubberband is being released and we're starting to fire the shot,
so I would hope that we will learn more, and also I think it would be great
if we could learn so much more about science and about medicine
and how to 'cure' unnecessary pain and illness,
I would 'pray' for more education in the world
because the more we can educate ourselves ,
the less we will continue to kill ourselves, and to hurt each other for no apparent reason
and if we are educated and if we can 'level" the amount of money that people
have in the world so that everybody has enough to survive ,
then maybe we won't all kill each other so much for it.
So education I believe is the key to me,
everything lies in the hands of our children,
its no good if we can't pass onto them what we've learned .
there's no point but with any luck they will continue to
learn and their minds will grow quicker and computers can be a big help maybe in that way ?!

For taking time to do the Interviews


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