The Call of the Bards
Erin's heart, a Goddess
Bonfire from whom torches flame
A billion sparks struck in the dark
And each one carries one soul's name.
The dancer rises to the dance;
Rhymes burn within a poet's mind;
The palette now holds rainbow paint
When yesterday the heart was blind.
The Universe, our Lord has said
Gives us our dreams because we can
Achieve our own soul's deep desire
By the light incarnate in one man.
Erin's soul, a Goddess gift
Archangel bright, charged to inspire;
Call the bards; dancers; artists, all
Lord of the Dance, our flame, our fire.
© 1997, Caeri MacQuarrie
Michael Flatley, thanks to Caeri for letting me use this HOT HOT PHOTO, and special thanks to Shaughnie for her work on this too!!
If You Had Known
If you had known they
would betray
Would you have danced it anyway?
Ignited the fire, opened the floodgates,
stormed heaven? Yes, I see it in your
smile. I knew it all the time. If you
had known our fervent hearts
Would you have touched us anyway?
Called down the magic, held us close,
shared the dream? Yes, I felt it in your
touch. I knew it all the time. If you
had known the grinding pain
Would you have done it anyway?
Pulled yourself up, made your own dance,
awed the world? Your genius drives you
on. I knew it all the time. If you had
known the dance would take you to the
edge Would you have danced it anyway?
Starved for air, risked you life, faced
the end? I see it in your eyes. I fear
it all the time. If you had known how
hard the road,
Would you have come back anyway?
Not for money, not for fame, but for
love? I see it when you dance. I knew it
all the time.
© 1998 Caeri MacQuarrie
The FEET OF FLAMES photo's are from STezi's website http://members.tripod.com/~stezi_lopez/michael.htm do check out all of her still shot photo's there!
Summer Blessing
May the rain fall gently
on your
upturned face. May the gentle summer
breezes make the trees dance with grace.
When the star gazing lilies open up to
the sun. May you move through your
garden to be blessed by each one.
May the Sun pour light upon you on this
Mid-summer day. May the faeries of the
woodlands gather round you and play--
The purest of their harp's songs, with
melodies sweet. May the Dance ever sound
in your Own heartbeat.
May your blessings be heavy, but your
burdens be light. May your fertile
fields in Eire glow emerald bright. The
ones who love you be many, and your
troubles be few. May the love of your
family and friends comfort you.
The ones who love YOU are many, may your
troubles be few May the love of my
heart, be of comfort to YOU.
© 1999, Caeri MacQuarrie
You Were There
You were there before me
On the wine dark sea,
Of a friend that had betrayed you,
It has happened to me...
When the trust that held you sank
Left you suspended in the sky
It was only your example
That allowed me to fly.
You were there before me
In the crystal cave
Searching for the dragon treasure
So fearless and brave
And we found the fabled treasure
In the serpent so wise
That a thousand years of knowledge
Was there in its eyes.
You were there before me
On the hollowed hill;
The magick of the old ones
Endures there still
And I knew that You could hear them
And I knew they were your own
Voices crying in the shadows
To call you home.
You were there before me
To watch the sun rise
As the light chased back the shadows
I looked into your eyes,
And I knew the pain of parting,
And I saw your soul flame bright
So no matter where fate takes you;
I will follow your light.
© 1999 Caeri MacQuarrie
Heaven blessed, flame
bright thoughts
Dance within his mind.
Bring him jewel-toned visions.
Others now seem blind.
His burning spirit, brings
As iron to the blaze,
Ancient rhythms, remade
Re-forged to amaze.
A lightning step,
A blaze of glory burning bright.
He returns
To be a beacon through the night.
An Earthquake whose pounding
Rhythm is his own.
Lightning bolt from heaven,
Burning torch of gold.
New Age dawns, We'll follow
Him o'er earth and sky.
We will reach our dreams, we'll
Be reborn and fly.
A lightning step,
A blaze of glory crystal bright.
He's come home,
To share with us his guiding light.
© 1999 Caeri MacQuarrie
Background by LADY OH'S
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