"In Michaels
Michael Flatleys
footsteps//I have to follow
through//Deep in my heart of hearts//I
know it's all that I can do//In the
springtime we can be together//At least
I pray we will//Then my heart will not
pound so fast//My restless soul to
still//He is all I think of//In both day
and night//I always hope that he is
happy//Never hidden from the light//I
still cling to the memory//Of those
nights always//When I knew the meaning
of true happiness//My spirit in a
daze//I'm still reeling from that
glorious time//When the dance exploded,
forever true//Like a beautiful star,
that Supernova//It grew to fill my
soul//With it's brilliant hue//Always I
thank my miracle man//My angel and my
muse//For giving me this gift of
dance//I will never want to lose//I
imagine light coming down upon
him//Raining upon his bright spirit,
like seraphim//The world has been a
happier place//Since he came to us//May
he never go away again//Or my universe
will crumble to dust"
Michaels poetry corner
- Saturday,
November 20, 1999 at 03:58:24 (PST)
Michael Flatley and FOF troupe in PLANET IRELAND FINALE