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Liz Hurley captures the Moment

Liz looks SO cool and very English waving her passport. Liz glowing in yellow Liz Hurley, English classic

Cool and classic, an English Rose, ideal for Lauder

Being the face of Estee Lauder is no easy job, Liz takes this highly prized earner very seriously indeed. Money is the name of the game, huge income for Liz Hurley,high sales and vast revenue for Estee Lauder. Liz Hurley has the perfect face, it is little wonder Liz won the contract to become the face of Estee. It is now some Five years since Liz won the coveted job. The test shoot was a disaster at first, Liz looking very Frozen in the intial shots, however the second test was a resounding success and the job was in the bag!!! Aerin Lauder said of Liz " Everybody picked her,she is believable-very real, a modern womanwith a lot of depth. She is incredibly hard-working, she travels, she acts. A lot of different things.That really reprensents us". Does that sum up Liz, well very nearly, but thats only what we know already.On a recent shoot in New York , Liz is quoted as saying the following remarks " It is stressful because if I don't come up with a picture thats going to sell the product, I'll lose my job" says a curled up Liz from the comfort of a leather chair during a break in shooting.Liz again, " It's a different stress [ to filmwork] but you have to be *ON* everytime they snap the camera. You have to look sparky or the pics look dead. You have to have the selling face"
Well I reckon Liz has the *selling face*, who would argue with that, certainly not Estee Lauder!. As to having stress, well if having what liz has gives her stress, what hope for the rest of us. If I was a girl, Hmmmmm, I would not mind being Liz Hurley. Unfortunatly for us guys, there is, sorry was Hugh Grant-big let down, Liz has dumped him, but then again, they did use each other for mutual career moves, more on that on the next page " Grant, Hurleys walking handbag"

Liz looks her best for Estee Liz looks cool for Estee

Cool new Pic from Estee Liz Hurley , new from Estee